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Legislative Public Meetings

Meeting Name: Council and Authorities Concurrent Meeting Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 11/19/2024 5:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Hybrid Meeting City Hall Council Chambers/Virtual 1500 Warburton Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95050
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra2: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
Attachments: Supplemental Materials - Agenda Item No. 5 Public Comments Received Prior 12pm on 11.19.2024, Supplemental Materials - Agenda Item No. 5 Public Comments Received After 12pm on 11.19.2024, Supplemental Materials - Agenda Item No. 7 Public Comments Received After 12pm on 11.19.2024
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo or Audio
24-1004 11.A Closed SessionConference with Labor Negotiators (CC) Pursuant to Gov. Code § 54957.6 City representatives: Jovan D. Grogan, Nadine Nader, Aracely Azevedo, Marco Mercado, Charles Sakai, Glen R. Googins Employee Organization(s): Unit # 6 - AFSCME Local 101 (American Federal of State, County and Municipal Employees)   Action details Video or Audio Video or Audio
24-853 11.B Closed SessionConference with Real Property Negotiators (CC) - Mathews Property Pursuant to Gov. Code § 54956.8 Property: 525 Mathew Street, Santa Clara CA 95050 (APN 230-03-090) City Negotiator: Jovan D. Grogan, City Manage (or designee) Negotiating Parties: City of Santa Clara (Buyer) and Grief Inc. (Seller) Under Negotiation: Purchase of Real Property (price and terms of payment)   Action details Video or Audio Video or Audio
24-1171 11.C Closed SessionPublic Employee Performance Evaluation (CC) Pursuant to Government Code § 54957(b)(1) (Continued from November 12, 2024) Title: City Attorney   Action details Video or Audio Video or Audio
24-568 12.A Special Order of BusinessProclamation of November 2024 as Native American Heritage Month   Action details Video or Audio Video or Audio
24-1063 12.B Special Order of BusinessProclamation of Nurse Practitioner Week from November 10 to November 16, 2024   Action details Video or Audio Video or Audio
24-1174 13.A Consent CalendarAction on the September 10, 2024 Joint Council and Authorities Concurrent & Stadium Authority Meeting Minutes, September 24, 2024 Joint Council and Authorities Concurrent & Stadium Authority Meeting Minutes, October 21, 2024 Special City Council Meeting Minutes, October 22, 2024 Joint Council and Authorities Concurrent & Stadium Authority Meeting Minutes.Approved the Consent CalendarPass Action details Not available
24-21 13.B Consent CalendarBoard, Commissions and Committee MinutesApproved the Consent CalendarPass Action details Not available
24-1074 13.C Consent CalendarAction on City Bills and Claims Report for the period September 21, 2024 - October 18, 2024Approved the Consent CalendarPass Action details Not available
24-1057 13.D Consent CalendarAction Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute Agreement(s) with Vendor(s) for the Purchase of Capacitor Banks with Reactor Switching Devices, Protection and Control Panels, Insulators, and Surge Arresters to be Funded by the Electric Utility Capital FundApproved the Consent CalendarPass Action details Not available
24-1112 13.E Consent CalendarAuthorize the City Manager to execute the Side Letter Agreement between the City of Santa Clara and the Public Safety Non-Sworn Employees Association (Unit 10) that provides a pilot program for training pay for Senior Public Safety Dispatchers who are assigned to train newly hired lateral Public Safety Dispatchers.Approved the Consent CalendarPass Action details Not available
24-1094 13.F Consent CalendarAction on the Services Agreement with Bay Pro for Landscaping Services at Water and Sewer Utilities facilities, with a Maximum Compensation Amount of $410,000Approved the Consent CalendarPass Action details Not available
24-1034 13.G Consent CalendarAction on an Agreement for Services with Grid Subject Matter Experts, LLC to Provide Silicon Valley Power With Consulting and Support Services for North American Reliability Corporation Critical Infrastructure Protection ComplianceApproved the Consent CalendarPass Action details Not available
24-1038 13.H Consent CalendarAction on the Historic Preservation Agreement (Mills Act Contract) (PLN24-00423) for 1309 Alviso StreetApproved the Consent CalendarPass Action details Not available
24-1041 13.I Consent CalendarAction on the Historic Preservation Agreement (Mills Act Contract) (PLN21-15422) for 1365 Main StreetApproved the Consent CalendarPass Action details Not available
24-1029 13.J Consent CalendarAction on the Historic Preservation Agreement (Mills Act Contract) (PLN24-00431) for 811 Monroe StreetApproved the Consent CalendarPass Action details Not available
24-1067 13.K Consent CalendarAction on Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute Amendment No. 1 to the Substation Agreement with Vantage Data Centers CA31, LLC for the Bowers Avenue Junction SubstationApproved the Consent CalendarPass Action details Not available
23-373 13.L Consent CalendarAction to Adopt a Resolution Approving Updates to the City’s Water Service and Use Rules and RegulationsApproved the Consent CalendarPass Action details Not available
24-1111 13.M Consent CalendarAction to Adopt a Resolution of Local Support and Findings for the City’s Application for Transit-Oriented Communities Implementation GrantsApproved the Consent CalendarPass Action details Not available
24-1121 13.N Consent CalendarAdopt a Resolution Approving and Adopting Updated Salary Plans for Various As-Needed and Classified PositionsApproved the Consent CalendarPass Action details Not available
24-1071 13.O Consent CalendarAdopt a Resolution to Authorize the City Manager to Execute the 2025-2028 Memorandum of Understanding Between the City of Santa Clara and the Unclassified Miscellaneous Management (hereafter, “Unit 9”), Which Incorporates the Terms of the Tentative Agreement; Adopt a Resolution Updating the Unclassified Salary Plan; Approve the Creation and Modification of Unclassified Class Specifications; and Add 1.0 Assistant Fleet Manager and Delete 1.0 Public Works SupervisorApproved the Consent CalendarPass Action details Not available
24-866 13.P Consent CalendarAction on a Resolution Approving the 2025 Board of Library Trustees Calendar of Meetings, and Setting the Number of Regular Board of Library Trustees MeetingsApproved the Consent CalendarPass Action details Not available
24-1124 13.Q Consent CalendarAppointment of Alternate Cultural Commission Member to the Santa Clara Station Area Plan Task Force (SATF)Approved the Consent CalendarPass Action details Not available
24-1078 14. Consent CalendarAction on Stadium Authority Bills and Claims for the Month of September 2024Approved the Consent CalendarPass Action details Not available
24-1202 1  Public Hearing/General BusinessPublic Presentations   Action details Not available
24-1105 15. Public Hearing/General BusinessPUBLIC HEARING: Action on an Environmental Impact Report and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, General Plan Amendment from High-Intensity Office/Research-and-Development to newly created Urban Center Mixed Use and Urban Center Residential Mixed Use land use designations, a Rezoning to PD - Planned Development, a Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map, and Introduction of an Ordinance to Approve a Development Agreement for a Mixed Use Project at 3005 Democracy Way comprised of up to 1,800 units (approximately 1.8 million square feet of residential uses), up to 3 million square feet of office/research-and-development, approximately 100,000 square feet of retail, and approximately 10,000 square feet of childcare facilities (“Option A”), with a project alternative (“Option B”) that allows for the flexibility of up to an additional 800 dwelling units (for a total of up to 2,600 residential units) with a corresponding reduction in office/research and development square footage to 2.2 million square feet.AdoptedPass Action details Video or Audio Video or Audio
24-1105 15. Public Hearing/General BusinessPUBLIC HEARING: Action on an Environmental Impact Report and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, General Plan Amendment from High-Intensity Office/Research-and-Development to newly created Urban Center Mixed Use and Urban Center Residential Mixed Use land use designations, a Rezoning to PD - Planned Development, a Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map, and Introduction of an Ordinance to Approve a Development Agreement for a Mixed Use Project at 3005 Democracy Way comprised of up to 1,800 units (approximately 1.8 million square feet of residential uses), up to 3 million square feet of office/research-and-development, approximately 100,000 square feet of retail, and approximately 10,000 square feet of childcare facilities (“Option A”), with a project alternative (“Option B”) that allows for the flexibility of up to an additional 800 dwelling units (for a total of up to 2,600 residential units) with a corresponding reduction in office/research and development square footage to 2.2 million square feet.AdoptedPass Action details Video or Audio Video or Audio
24-51 16. Public Hearing/General BusinessPUBLIC HEARING: Action on a Resolution Amending Rate Schedules for Electric Services for All Classes of Customers to Increase Electric Rates and Charges in Each Rate Schedule by 5.0% and Make Other Modifications, Effective January 1, 2025AdoptedPass Action details Video or Audio Video or Audio
24-51 16. Public Hearing/General BusinessPUBLIC HEARING: Action on a Resolution Amending Rate Schedules for Electric Services for All Classes of Customers to Increase Electric Rates and Charges in Each Rate Schedule by 5.0% and Make Other Modifications, Effective January 1, 2025AdoptedPass Action details Video or Audio Video or Audio
24-1022 17. Public Hearing/General BusinessPUBLIC HEARING: Action on a Vesting Tentative Parcel Map at 4590 Patrick Henry Drive for the Creation of Two LotsAdoptedPass Action details Video or Audio Video or Audio
24-1022 17. Public Hearing/General BusinessPUBLIC HEARING: Action on a Vesting Tentative Parcel Map at 4590 Patrick Henry Drive for the Creation of Two LotsAdoptedPass Action details Video or Audio Video or Audio