Ad-Hoc Committee on 2021 City Council Committee Assignments
| Boards or Commission | Virtual Meeting | | |
Ad-Hoc Committee on the CVRA Apology Letter Relating to the City's California Voting Rights Act Litigation
| Boards or Commission | Virtual Meeting | | |
Ad-Hoc Facilities Naming and Honorary Recognition Committee
| Boards or Commission | City Hall - Council Conference Room | 3 | |
Ad-Hoc Stadium Audit Committee
| Boards or Commission | CIty Hall Council Chambers | | |
Americans with Disabilities Act Committee
| Boards or Commission | City Hall Council Chambers
1500 Warburton Avenue
Santa Clara, CA 95050 | | |
Architectural Committee
| Committee | City Hall Council Chambers
1500 Warburton Avenue
Santa Clara, CA 95050 | | |
Audit Committee
| Boards or Commission | Council Conference Room
1500 Warburton Avenue
Santa Clara, CA 95050 | | |
Bayshore North Project Enhancement Authority
| Historical Meetings | City Hall Council Chambers
1500 Warburton Avenue
Santa Clara, CA 95050 | | |
Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee
| Boards or Commission | City Hall Council Chambers
1500 Warburton Avenue
Santa Clara, CA 95051 | 6 | |
Board of Library Trustees
| Boards or Commission | Central Park Library, Board Room | 2 | |
Charter Review Committee
| Boards or Commission | City Hall - Council Chambers
1500 Warburton Avenue
Santa Clara, CA 95050 | | |
Charter Review Committee 2023 - DO NOT USE
| Committee | | | |
City/Mission College Liaison Committee
| Boards or Commission | Alternates between Santa Clara City Hall and Mission College | | |
City-School Liaison Committee
| Boards or Commission | City Hall Council Chambers
1500 Warburton Avenue
Santa Clara, CA 95050 | | |
Civil Service Commission
| Boards or Commission | City Hall - Council Chambers | 1 | |
Closed Session
| Council Closed Session | Hybrid Meeting
City Hall Council Chambers/Virtual
1500 Warburton Avenue
Santa Clara, CA 95050 | | |
| Historical Meetings | | | |
Council and Authorities Concurrent Meeting
| Primary Legislative Body | City Hall Council Chambers
1500 Warburton Avenue
Santa Clara, CA 95050 | 7 | |
Cultural Commission
| Boards or Commission | City Hall - Staff Conference Room, 1500 Warburton Avenue | 6 | |
Deferred Compensation Committee
| Boards or Commission | City Hall Council Chambers
1500 Warburton Avenue
Santa Clara, CA 95050 | 4 | |
Development Review Hearing
| Boards or Commission | City Hall Council Chambers
1500 Warburton Avenue
Santa Clara, CA 95050 | | |
Downtown Community Task Force
| Boards or Commission | Zoom Webinar | 9 | |
Economic Development, Communications, and Marketing Committee
| Boards or Commission | City Hall Council Chambers
1500 Warburton Avenue
Santa Clara, CA 95050 | | |
Ethics Committee
| Boards or Commission | City Hall Council Chambers 1500 Warburton Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95050 | | |
Governance and Ethics Committee
| Boards or Commission | City Hall – Council Chambers
1500 Warburton Avenue
Santa Clara, CA 95050 | | |
Historical & Landmarks Commission
| Boards or Commission | City Hall Council Chambers | 7 | |
Housing Authority
| Historical Meetings | City Hall Council Chambers
1500 Warburton Avenue
Santa Clara, CA 95050 | | |
Housing Rehabiltation Loan Committee
| Boards or Commission | CIty Hall - Staff Conference Room | | |
Independent Redistricting Commission
| Boards or Commission | Virtual Meeting | | |
Joint Financing Authority
| Historical Meetings | City Hall Council Chambers
1500 Warburton Avenue
Santa Clara, CA 95050 | | |
Marketing Committee
| Boards or Commission | Central Park Library – Redwood Room
2635 Homestead Road
Santa Clara, California 95051 | | |
Neighborhood-University Relations Committee
| Boards or Commission | Mission Branch Library
1098 Lexington St.
Santa Clara, CA 95050 | | |
Oversight Board
| Historical Meetings | | | |
Oversight Board Committee
| Boards or Commission | CIty Hall - Council Chambers | | |
Parks & Recreation Commission
| Boards or Commission | City Hall - Staff Conference Room | 7 | |
Planning Commission
| Planning Commission | City Hall Council Chambers | 7 | |
Public Facilities Financing Corporation
| Primary Legislative Body | City Hall Council Chambers
1500 Warburton Avenue
Santa Clara, CA 95050 | | |
Redevelopment Agency
| Historical Meetings | | | |
Salary Setting Commission
| Boards or Commission | City Hall - Council Chambers | | |
Santa Clara Stadium Authority
| Primary Legislative Body | City Hall Council Chambers
1500 Warburton Avenue
Santa Clara, CA 95050 | 3 | |
Senior Advisory Commission
| Boards or Commission | Senior Center
1303 Fremont Street
Santa Clara, CA 95050 | 6 | |
Sports and Open Space Authority
| Historical Meetings | City Hall Council Chambers
1500 Warburton Avenue
Santa Clara, CA 95050 | | |
Station Area Task Force
| Boards or Commission | | 12 | |
Stevens Creek Corridor Steering Committee
| Boards or Commission | | | |
Task Force on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
| Boards or Commission | Council Chambers
1500 Warburton Avenue
Santa Clara, CA 95050 | 1 | |
Video Stream
| Historical Meetings | | | |
Youth Commission
| Boards or Commission | City Hall-Council Chambers | | |