Informational Report on Alert and Warning Systems in the City of Santa Clara
Awareness of the critical importance of emergency alert and warning systems has intensified with recent catastrophic disasters such as the North Bay Fires of October 2017 and a high profile false missile alert issued in Hawaii this year.
The City of Santa Clara implements the “Alert SCC” (Santa Clara County) System provided by the Santa Clara County Office of Emergency Services (“County OES”). This is an “opt-in” system that requires pre-registration in order for alerts to be received.
The City is participating in an Alert SCC Promotional Campaign in partnership with County OES and is also developing a plan to increase the capability of the City to issue effective alerts and warnings.
In addition, legislation has been introduced in the State Senate that is expected to have a major impact on current alert and warning systems in California. State legislative changes under consideration include a requirement for all county and city jurisdictions to be trained in a component of IPAWS, and county notification systems would have the option to become “opt-out” for residents rather than the current “opt-in” that requires pre-registration. If the legislation is signed into law by Governor Brown, Alert SCC would become “opt-out” for residents according to County OES.
Alert SCC facilitates delivery of emergency alerts via text, email and voicemail before, during and after an emergency or disaster. The Everbridge platform provides Alert SCC to all jurisdictions within the County. This platform also provides access to the federal Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS), which issues alerts based on location to a threat and does not require pre-registration. Amber Alerts represent an example of IPAWS alerts. Currently, IPAWS is implemented by County Communications, and the City of Santa Clara would contact County Communications to issue an emergency alert on the City’s behalf for an imminent threat.
Sonoma County issued a report on June 11, 2018, entitled “Assessment Report: Community Alert and Warning,” which examined the County’s Alert and Warning Systems, a highly visible topic during and after the devastating wildfires of October 2017. Staff reviewed the findings of the assessment report that were applicable to our City. Outcomes from this review include a plan to form a City Alert and Warning Work Group, formalize and expand the City’s current Alert and Warning Plan, and have Police Records staff members who currently implement Alert SCC also be trained in how to issue IPAWS alerts. After the City’s new Communications Director will join the City mid-September, the Communications Direcor will assemble the inter-departmental City Alert and Warning Work Group in October 2018. The group will be responsible for developing and implementing a workplan overseen by the City Manager’s Office.
This is an information report only and no action is being taken by the City Council and no environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) is required.
There’s no fiscal impact other than staff time used to transmit the attached report.
Public contact was made by posting the Council agenda on the City’s official-notice bulletin board outside City Hall Council Chambers. A complete agenda packet is available on the City’s website and in the City Clerk’s Office at least 72 hours prior to a Regular Meeting and 24 hours prior to a Special Meeting. A hard copy of any agenda report may be requested by contacting the City Clerk’s Office at (408) 615-2220, email <> or at the public information desk at any City of Santa Clara public library.
Note and File Informational Report on Alert and Warning Systems in the City of Santa Clara.
Reviewed by: William G. Kelly, Fire Chief
Approved by: Deanna J. Santana, City Manager
1. Alert SCC promotional material
2. Sonoma County Assessment Report: Community Alert and Warning; June 11, 2018