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Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 18-1287    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Consent Calendar Status: Passed
File created: 9/12/2018 In control: Council and Authorities Concurrent Meeting
On agenda: 10/9/2018 Final action: 10/9/2018
Title: Action on Resolution Authorizing an Application to County of Santa Clara All Inclusive Playground Project Grant and Related Budget Amendment
Attachments: 1. Resolution, 2. Resolution No. 18-8610




Action on Resolution Authorizing an Application to County of Santa Clara All Inclusive Playground Project Grant and Related Budget Amendment




The Board of Supervisors of the County of Santa Clara established the All-Inclusive Playground Grant Program (AIPG) to provide competitive matching grants to local entities for developing all-inclusive playgrounds. The playgrounds have designed accessibility requirements and include elements to address the needs of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder, sensory challenges, visual and auditory impairments, cognitive, developmental and physical disabilities, including the medically frail. Over the past year, City Council has adopted two resolutions approving grant applications to establish an all-inclusive playground in Central Park to replace the Central Park Arbor Playground (Project) and  allocated $1 million in funding. As previously reported, the grant applications were not successful since the County prioritized fully funded projects.


On September 11, 2018, the County announced the AIPG “Program Two” with availability of $10 million in matching grants Countywide, with $2 million available in each of the five Supervisorial Districts. The applications are due October 12, 2018.



In previous application review with the County, County staff expressed interest in the City submitting an application since the City’s identified Project was highly ranked. The City has updated its application for an All-Inclusive Playground that is fully in alignment with Council policies and goals, provides a more competitive 100% match to County grant funds and proposes to develop unique inclusive play elements through community outreach and support for the Project.


The proposed AIPG grant application is for $3.6 million, of which the City would commit $1.8 million to be matched by an equivalent County grant of $1.8 million. The City has previously allocated funding in the amount of $1 million for the Project, and requests an additional allocation of $900,000 to cover the remaining City match ($800,000) and to complete community outreach, schematic design and CEQA ($100,000).



The action being considered does not constitute a “project” within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15378(b)(4) in that it is a fiscal activity that does not involve any commitment to any specific project which may result in a potential significant impact on the environment. If the Project is funded, CEQA analysis will be completed prior to construction award.



Currently, there is $1 million allocated for the Central Park Arbor Playground replacement.  An additional $900,000 is recommended to be allocated from available Unallocated Quimby Act Fees in the Budget Amendment below for a total City cost of $1.9 million.  This includes $1.8 million for the project to be matched by the County AIPG grant and an additional $100,000 to complete community outreach, initial schematic design and CEQA.   With the County funds, the total project cost is estimated at $3.7 million. 


Budget Amendment

FY 2018/19




Increase/ (Decrease)


Parks and Recreation Fund








Intergovernmental Revenue - County of Santa Clara AIPG Grant












Project 3183 - Central Park Arbor Playground












Ending Fund Balance - Unallocated Quimby Act Fees




* Estimated balance as of August 31, 2018.



Public contact was made by posting the Council agenda on the City’s official-notice bulletin board outside City Hall Council Chambers. A complete agenda packet is available on the City’s website and in the City Clerk’s Office at least 72 hours prior to a Regular Meeting and 24 hours prior to a Special Meeting. A hard copy of any report to council may be requested by contacting the City Clerk’s Office at (408) 615-2220, email <> or at the public information desk at any City of Santa Clara public library.




1.                     Adopt a Resolution authorizing the City Manager and/or designee to submit a County of Santa Clara All Inclusive Playground Project Grant Application and execute all documents necessary for the grant application, and grant administration, if funded.

2.                     Approve the Budget Amendment to the Central Park Arbor Playground Project. (Requires 5-vote majority to appropriate revenue)



Prepared by: James Teixeira, Director of Parks & Recreation

Approved by: Deanna J. Santana, City Manager



1.                     Resolution