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Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 18-1005    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Study Session Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 7/11/2018 In control: Council and Authorities Concurrent Meeting
On agenda: 10/2/2018 Final action:
Title: 6:00 P.M. Study Session: Precise Plan for the Downtown (only four non-conflicted Council Members to participate)
Attachments: 1. DT Precise Plan Area Map, 2. POST MEETING MATERIAL
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6:00 P.M. Study Session: Precise Plan for the Downtown (only four non-conflicted Council Members to participate) 




The City of Santa Clara’s 2010-2035 General Plan identifies Focus Areas throughout the City of Santa Clara, including the Downtown Area, to promote the City’s diverse economic base and to meet the demand for housing that addresses job growth in the City and region.  As updated in 2010, the General Plan envisions the Downtown Focus Area being revitalized and supports the potential development of up to 129,300 square feet of new commercial uses and 396 new residential units along with public gathering places and civic venues. The General Plan also calls for a transit loop connection to the Santa Clara Transit Station in order to promote increased multi-modal connectivity, as well as reconnecting streets to increase access to transit and to attract residents and visitors.


A Downtown Plan for a portion of the area was endorsed by the City Council in 2007 to serve as a catalyst for revitalization.  In 2010, a Downtown Revitalization Plan Committee was established to review the Downtown revitalization plan and to evaluate whether to re-confirm the existing conceptual plan or to re-visit the plan to explore alternative approaches. In August 2015, the Council adopted a Strategic Objective to evaluate a Santa Clara Downtown/Super Block project. The City then hired an urban design consultant, Urban Field Studio, who assisted the City in holding a series of workshops and meetings extending from October 2015 through November 2017 which were used to gather community input on a vision for the Downtown’s future development.  Through this process, the community identified several objectives for the redevelopment of the Downtown as a vibrant, pedestrian-oriented destination.  The restoration of Franklin Street as a public right-of-way open to vehicular traffic was identified as a primary objective. Concurrent with the City conducted process, community members have become increasingly engaged around the possibility of revitalizing the City’s historic Downtown area, including community members who have organized as “Reclaiming Our Downtown”, as well as those in existing groups, such as the Old Quad Resident’s Association. 


In response to this ongoing community interest, the City Council included $400,000 in the FY 2018-2019 budget to support the preparation of a precise plan for the Downtown area. The City intends to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for consultant services to support the initiation of the Precise Plan preparation process.



The September 2018 study session will be the first opportunity for the City Council to discuss the proposed Downtown Precise Plan, provide input on the project scope, and the composition of a community member Downtown Community Task Force (DCTF) that will inform the planning process.


Project Scope

The Precise Plan will provide guidance for new development within the Downtown Precise Plan Focus Area (Attachment 1) through policies, guidelines, and illustrations that implement the community vision and objectives for a vibrant, pedestrian-oriented destination Downtown. Specifically, the primary components that will be provided through the Plan include:


§                     Community Engagement - The Plan will continue to emphasize community involvement by engaging the public about urban design concepts and the Downtown Precise Plan planning process through a comprehensive community involvement strategy. Market Demand Analysis / Economic Sustainability - the Plan should consider economic viability and long-term fiscal impacts, including the relationship between density and market viability and the appropriate amounts and locations of commercial uses within the Plan area to maximize the overall economic benefit of future land uses and to produce a complete community. 


§                     Land Use Plan - The land use plan and policy framework shall guide future land development and redevelopment activities within the area.


§                     Connectivity - The Plan will include improvements to vehicular, pedestrian, bicycle and transit connectivity between the Santa Clara Transit Station and the Downtown area and between the El Camino Real and the Downtown area.


§                     Design Standards - Urban design standards for streets, streetscapes, buildings and open space will promote walkable and livable environments within the project area.


Request for Proposals (RFP) Scope

The City of Santa Clara will be issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) seeking proposals from qualified consultants to provide professional services for the development of the Downtown Precise Plan. Proposals for the Plan shall include the land use planning elements required to support the revitalization and redevelopment of the area as a complete urban neighborhood. Specifically, the plan shall define both the land use plan for the area as well as policies, design guidelines, streetscape design, and open space standards to implement the Plan vision.


The City is seeking an experienced and innovative planning firm (along with a multidisciplinary consultant team) with demonstrated knowledge and experience in the following areas:


§                     Urban Design and Land Use Planning

§                     Participatory Community Planning (Public Outreach)

§                     Computer Graphics

§                     Transportation, Circulation, and Parking Analysis

§                     Public Infrastructure Engineering

§                     Environmental Review

§                     Market and Financial Analysis (including a market feasibility analysis for development types under consideration for the plan area)





Downtown Community Task Force

Community engagement is an integral part of the Downtown Precise Plan process to produce a final plan that is supported by the community and various stakeholders in Santa Clara and that provides a clear vision for the ongoing development of the area over the next 20 to 30 years. The Downtown Community Task Force (DCTF) will be comprised of approximately seven members approved by the City Council, will be advisory and non-voting, and will be time limited to the duration of the Precise Plan process. The purpose and mission of the committee is to provide:


§                     High-level strategic thinking on the direction of the plan at key points in the project;

§                     Review, interpretation, and guidance on the results of the public workshops and other engagement activities; and

§                     Recommendations on the vision, land use, transportation alternatives, and key policy topics for the project area.


Staff has identified a range of residents and stakeholders within the community that have been involved in the past Downtown Revitalization efforts.  Staff is seeking concurrence from the Council to convene the Downtown Citizen Advisory Group with the following proposed list of representatives.


§                     Santa Clara University

§                     Old Quad Residents Association

§                     Reclaiming Our Downtown

§                     Downtown Area Business Owner

§                     Downtown Area Resident

§                     A developer with experience in the area or NAIOP (Commercial Real Estate Development Association)

§                     A community resident from a neighborhood outside of the Downtown area


Staff is asking that the City Council provide comments regarding the structure for the DCTF and will return with a list of specific individuals for Council approval once additional coordination has occurred.  



 This is an information report only and no action is being taken by the City Council and no environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) is required at this time.  The Downtown precise plan will undergo environmental review and an environmental document will be brought to the City Council at the time when the Council considers the plan.



This report has been coordinated with the City Attorney’s Office and the Finance Department.












Public contact was made by posting the Council agenda on the City’s official-notice bulletin board outside City Hall Council Chambers. A complete agenda packet is available on the City’s website and in the City Clerk’s Office at least 72 hours prior to a Regular Meeting and 24 hours prior to a Special Meeting. A hard copy of any agenda report may be requested by contacting the City Clerk’s Office at (408) 615-2220, email <> or at the public information desk at any City of Santa Clara public library.



Reviewed by: Andrew Crabtree, Community Development Director

Approved by: Deanna J. Santana, City Manager


1.                     DT Precise Plan Area Map