Action on Entitlement Extension for the Architectural Review for a new five-story 328-unit apartment building with a seven-story wrapped parking garage at 3069 Lawrence Expressway
File No.(s): PLN21-15375
Location: 3069 Lawrence Expressway/3517 Ryder Street, a 3.8-acre site on the southeast corner of the intersection of Lawrence Expressway and Central Expressway APN: 216-34-052; property is zoned Lawrence Station Area Plan (LSAP).
Owner: Westlake Urban
Request: Extension of Architectural Review Approval for a new five-story 328-unit apartment building with a seven-story wrapped parking garage
Project Data
The Project Data Table is included as Attachment 3.
Points for consideration
• The applicant is requesting a 24-month extension of the previously approved Architectural approval from August 20, 2020.
• The applicant is requesting the time extension due to the COVID pandemic as it postponed a number of their other active projects causing overall delays. Moreover, issues related to supply constraints and labor availability have cause additional delays.
• No other changes to the approved project are proposed at this time.
• The proposed project was found to be consistent with the General Plan and Lawrence Station Area Plan at the prior Development Review Hearing.
• A 500-foot neighborhood notice was distributed for this project review.
1) That any off-street parking area, screening strips and other facilitates and improvements necessary to secure the purpose and intent of this title and the general plan of the City area a part of the proposed development, in that;
• The LSAP requires one parking space for each studio and one-bedroom unit and two parking spaces for each two-bedroom and three-bedroom unit. As such, 464 parking spaces are required. The project provides 484 parking spaces.
2) That the design and location of the proposed development and its relation to neighboring developments and traffic is such that it will not impair the desirability of investment or occupation in the neighborhood, will not unreasonably interfere with the use and enjoyment of neighboring developments, and will not create traffic congestion or hazard, in that;
• The development emphasizes walkability and access to transit and existing roadways. The project will also provide a pedestrian bridge connecting the subject site across Ryder Street to the rest of the Lawrence Station area and its amenities.
3) That the design and location of the proposed development is such that it is in keeping with the character of the neighborhood and is such as not to be detrimental to the harmonious development contemplated by this title and the general plan of the City, in that;
• The use, scale, and design of the development, as conditioned, are consistent with the Lawrence Station Area Plan policies and are compatible with existing and planned residential uses in the surrounding area.
4) That the granting of such approval will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, materially affect adversely the health, comfort or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of said development, and will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injuries to property or improvements in said neighborhood, in that;
• The project is subject to the California Building Code and City Code requirements, which serve to regulate new construction to protect public health, safety and general welfare.
• The use, scale, and design of the development, as conditioned, are consistent with the Lawrence Station Area Plan policies and are compatible with existing and planned uses in the surrounding area.
5) That the proposed development, as set forth in the plans and drawings, are consistent with the set of more detailed policies and criteria for architectural review as approved and updated from time to time by the City Council, which set shall be maintained in the planning division office. The policies and criteria so approved shall be fully effective and operative to the same extent as if written into and made a part of this title, in that;
• The proposed development provides for an attractive, inviting, imaginative and functional site arrangement of buildings and parking areas, and a high quality architectural and landscape design.
• The project also provides for proper access, visibility and identity, and access to transit within the Lawrence Station Area Plan and adds new affordable housing for low and very low-income households.
Conditions of Approval:
1. All conditions included in the original approval (File No. PLN2015-11411) remain in full force and effect.
2. Permit Expiration. This Architectural Permit shall automatically be revoked and terminated if not used within two years of original grant or within the period of any authorized extensions thereof. The date of granting of this Permit is the date this Permit is approved by the Development Review Officer.
An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared for the LSAP by the environmental consultant firm Circlepoint, in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The EIR and Notice of Availability were circulated for a 45-day period from August 2, 2016 to September 16, 2016 in accordance with CEQA requirements. The LSAP EIR under case file CEQA2015-01187, studied the subject project as a Phase I project and has taken into account all of the potential impacts of Phase I. Phase II and Phase III projects require additional analysis in accordance with the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP).
There is no impact to the City for processing the requested application other than administrative staff time and expense typically covered by processing fees paid by the applicant.
On May 27, 2022, a notice of public hearing of this item was posted within 300 feet of the project site and mailed to property owners within 500 feet of the project site. As of the date of this report, Planning Staff has not received public comments for this application.
Approve a time extension for an Architectural Approval for a new five-story 328-unit apartment building with a seven-story wrapped parking garage.
Prepared by: Rebecca Bustos, Senior Planner, Community Development
Approved by: Lesley Xavier, Principal Planner, Community Department
1. Development Plans
2. PLN2015-11411 Conditions of Approval
3. Project Data Table