Action on an Agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. for Design Professional Services for the Uncontrolled Crosswalks Improvements - Phase II Project
Deliver and Enhance High-Quality Efficient Services and Infrastructure
An uncontrolled crosswalk is a striped pedestrian street crossing where motorists do not have a traffic control device (i.e. stop sign, traffic signal, flashing beacons) controlling their movement through the crosswalk. There are approximately 200 uncontrolled crosswalk locations throughout the City, and staff periodically receives requests from residents about installing some type of control measure at various locations. In order to address these requests, staff previously completed an initial effort that analyzed each location and ranked the crossing in order of priority based on criteria such as the number of vehicle lanes, speed and traffic volume, and provided initial recommendations on control measures. The next steps associated with this effort include obtaining funding, hiring a design consultant, and constructing improvements where deemed necessary.
Included within the FY 2024/25 and FY 2025/26 Adopted Capital Improvement Program Budget is the Uncontrolled Crosswalks Improvements project (Project). This Project is funded through gas tax revenues and its purpose is to analyze, design, and construct improvements at various uncontrolled crosswalks throughout the City. An initial listing of high priority locations was developed, and engineering studies were performed to identify potential improvements at these locations along with a priority ranking order for implementation. Construction for the first phase of uncontrolled crosswalk improvements was recently completed and included improvements at seven locations. Staff is now set to begin the design work for the second phase of improvements.
Based upon priority rankings and funding availability, the second phase of the Project will consider improvements at 13 high priority locations. A map of the planned locations is attached (Attachment 1) and includes:
1. Kiely Blvd at Mauricia Ave
2. Monroe St at Quinn Ave
3. Homestead Rd at Los Olivos Drive
4. Agnew Rd west of Garrity Way
5. Agnew Rd at Avina Circle
6. Agnew Rd at Davis St
7. Newhall St at Bohannon Dr
8. Benton St at Curtis Ave
9. Winchester Blvd at Dolores Ave
10. Winchester Blvd at Tulip Rd
11. Calle De Primavera at Calle De Escuela
12. Mission College Blvd south of Our Lady's Way
13. Walsh Ave at Northwestern Pkwy
Various improvements will be reviewed and considered under the Project including installation of pedestrian warning beacons, traffic signs, roadway striping, street lighting, ADA curb ramps and curb extensions, dependent upon location specific factors and engineering analysis. The proposed improvements will also be coordinated with recommendations identified in the Santa Clara Pedestrian Master Plan and Santa Clara Bicycle Plan. The specific improvements, including the project locations, are subject to refinement and change during the course of the Project based upon further engineering design and available construction budget. To prepare the design and construction bid documents, the City will need to retain a consultant to provide engineering design services.
Pursuant to City Code Section 2.105.140(c) and State laws governing procurement of architectural and engineering services, the City followed a qualifications-based selection process. Under this process, proposers were evaluated based on their demonstrated experience and qualifications, and the most qualified proposer was selected, subject to the negotiation of fair and reasonable compensation.
In July 2024, a competitive Request for Proposals (RFP) was published on the City’s e-procurement platform and was sent to over 46,000 members. The RFP was viewed by 37 members, including consultants, plan rooms, and builder exchanges, among others. Staff also provided direct notifications to consultants who had viewed similar projects in the past.
The City received proposals from four firms: BKF Engineers, CSG Consultants, Inc, Hexagon Transportation Consultants, Inc., and Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. A proposal review panel consisting of staff from the Department of Public Work’s Design, Field Services, and Traffic Engineering Divisions evaluated each proposal against the criteria set forth in the RFP. This included responsiveness to the RFP, qualifications of the firm, experience, availability of key staff, project approach, and schedule. Based on the panel’s evaluation, staff recommends awarding the agreement to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. (Kimley-Horn). Kimley-Horn submitted the best proposal, demonstrated a strong project understanding, and provided an approach that would maximize efficiency of the design services. Kimley-Horn also has a track record of successfully performing similar services for various public agencies including the City of Santa Clara.
The proposed agreement (Attachment 2) includes a negotiated scope of services and fees based upon the understanding of the work to be performed. The scope of services generally includes project management, preliminary engineering and evaluation, construction documents, bidding support, construction support, and project close-out.
Staff recommends entering into the agreement for design professional services with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. for the Uncontrolled Crosswalks Improvements - Phase II Project. Approval of this agreement will provide design professional services necessary to develop the design and construction documents to implement the Project. The agreement includes prevailing wage requirements.
This action is for design professional services and the action being considered does not constitute a “project” within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") Guidelines section 15378 as the action being considered does not commit the City to undertake any project and future discretionary approvals are required by the City to approve any project for construction. Environmental review in accordance with CEQA will occur as part of the design and approval process.
The proposed agreement is for a total not-to-exceed amount of $368,920. This amount includes $335,380 for basic services, and $33,540 for additional services. Funds for the proposed agreement are available in the FY 2024/25 and FY 2025/26 Adopted Biennial Capital Improvement Program Budget in the Uncontrolled Crosswalks Improvements project.
This report has been coordinated with the Finance Department and the City Attorney’s Office.
Public contact was made by posting the Council agenda on the City’s official-notice bulletin board outside City Hall Council Chambers. A complete agenda packet is available on the City’s website and in the City Clerk’s Office at least 72 hours prior to a Regular Meeting and 24 hours prior to a Special Meeting. A hard copy of any agenda report may be requested by contacting the City Clerk’s Office at (408) 615-2220, email <> or at the public information desk at any City of Santa Clara public library.
1. Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. for design professional services for the Uncontrolled Crosswalks Improvements - Phase II Project with maximum compensation not-to-exceed $368,920, in a final form approved by the City Attorney; and
2. Authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute amendments to the agreement to make modifications as needed, including time extensions, subject to the compensation limit and appropriation of funds, in final forms approved by the City Attorney.
Reviewed by: Craig Mobeck, Director of Public Works
Approved by: Jovan D. Grogan, City Manager
1. Location Map
2. Agreement