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Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 18-1581    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Consent Calendar Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 11/26/2018 In control: Council and Authorities Concurrent Meeting
On agenda: 12/11/2018 Final action:
Title: Action on Vice Mayor (Mayor Pro Tempore) and Chaplain Appointment for Calendar Year 2019
Attachments: 1. RESOLUTION NO. 6442




Action on Vice Mayor (Mayor Pro Tempore) and Chaplain Appointment for Calendar Year 2019




On June 9, 1998, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 6442 (Attachment 1), establishing, pursuant to Section 705 of the City Charter, a procedure for selection of Mayor Pro Tempore (Vice Mayor) and selection of a Chaplain of the City Council by majority vote of a quorum of the City Council.  Per the resolution, the selection is scheduled to take place at a City Council meeting in December each year. The resolution also states that the Vice Mayor shall be the Councilmember with the highest seniority in consecutive years on the Council and who has not previously served as Vice Mayor. The Councilmember serving as Chaplain will be the most recent outgoing Vice Mayor. 



The Councilmembers with the most consecutive years are Councilmembers Davis and O’Neill, who started serving on the Council in December 2011.  Therefore, the table below identifies the Councilmembers who served as Vice Mayor since Calendar Year 2012.


Vice Mayor

Calendar Year

Councilmember Lisa M. Gillmor


Councilmember Patrick Kolstad


Councilmember Jerry Marsalli


Councilmember Debi Davis


Councilmember Teresa O’Neill


Councilmember Dominic Caserta


Councilmember Kathy Watanabe



Based on the attached resolution, Councilmember Mahan is the Councilmember with the highest seniority in consecutive years on the Council and who has not previously served as Vice Mayor.  Further, Vice Mayor Watanabe as the most recent outgoing Vice Mayor would serve as Chaplain in 2019.


Because the existing policy is a City Council resolution, the Council is free to amend, repeal or suspend the resolution and reconsider what policy to follow.



There is no cost to the City other than staff time.



Public contact was made by posting the Council agenda on the City’s official-notice bulletin board outside City Hall Council Chambers. A complete agenda packet is available on the City’s website and in the City Clerk’s Office at least 72 hours prior to a Regular Meeting and 24 hours prior to a Special Meeting. A hard copy of any agenda report may be requested by contacting the City Clerk’s Office at (408) 615-2220, email <> or at the public information desk at any City of Santa Clara public library.



1.                     Appoint the Vice Mayor and/or Chaplain for Calendar Year 2019

2.                     Amend, repeal or suspend the Resolution and direct staff to return to Council with options for the selection procedure of the Vice Mayor and Chaplain

3.                     Continue the appointment of the Vice Mayor and/or Chaplain for Calendar Year 2019 to a date certain Council meeting

4.                     Any other City Council action.




Staff makes no recommendation.



Reviewed by: Lynn Garcia, Executive Assistant to the Mayor and City Council

Approved by: Deanna J. Santana, City Manager


1. Resolution No. 6442