Metropolitan Transportation Commission Complete Streets Checklists for Housing Incentive Pool Grant (Shariat)
In March 2022, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) updated the Bay Area’s regional Complete Streets Policy by adopting Resolution 4493 (Attachment 1). The Complete Streets Policy requires all projects seeking $250,000 or more of regional discretionary transportation funding or endorsement from MTC to submit a Complete Streets Checklist. The checklist requires project collaboration with affected transit agencies and review by a local (City or County) Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC).
The MTC Housing Incentive Pool (HIP) grant program provides transportation grants to promote the production and preservation of affordable housing. This grant program rewards local jurisdictions for producing or preserving housing units that are a-ffordable to very low, low, and moderate income households within designated Priority Development Areas (PDAs) and Transit Priority Areas (TPAs).
The City was notified of a HIP grant award for $1,754,000 based on the number of affordable housing units occupied from 2018 to 2022. Jurisdictions awarded HIP funds had to submit at least two project recommendations with Complete Streets Checklists through a letter of interest to MTC. The project recommendations requested must total 120% to 200% of the jurisdiction’s HIP award (Attachment 2).
Eligible project categories for the HIP program are the same as MTC’s One Bay Area Grant (OBAG 2) program and include:
• Bicycle and Pedestrian infrastructure and programs
• Safe routes to school infrastructure and programs
• Safety projects and planning
• Complete Streets improvements
• Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program
• Mobility Hub
• Transit capital and station improvement.
Staff reviewed the HIP program and submitted applications for the following two projects in December 2024. The BPAC is encouraged to review the draft Complete Streets Checklists (Attachments 3 and 4) for projects seeking HIP grant funding and provide comments on the checklists
• Pruneridge Avenue Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements: The City adopted the Pruneridge Avenue Complete Streets Plan on August 30, 2022. This project will design and construct Class II buffered bicycle lanes and quick-build pedestrian improvements such as curb extensions on Pruneridge Avenue between Pomeroy Avenue and Winchester Street (2.2 miles). Pavement treatments would be completed to improve roadway surfaces as well as eliminate traces of removed markings. New markings would be used to install new bicycle facilities.
• Santa Clara Uncontrolled Crosswalks Phase 2: The City performed studies at 35 high priority unmarked crosswalk locations for potential improvements and developed a priority ranking order for implementation of any improvements. The City will complete the identified improvements at these initial 35 locations in multiple phases. The City recently completed the first phase of seven uncontrolled crosswalks. The second phase of improvements to be conducted at the 13 intersections consist of Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) assemblies, lighting improvements, ADA curb ramp improvements, and curb extension/bulb-outs. The Phase 2 project locations are:
o Calle De Primavera/Calle De Escuela
o Agnew Rd/Davis St
o Agnew Rd/Avina Circle
o Agnew Rd/Garrity Way (West)
o Mission College Blvd/Our Lady's Way (South)
o Walsh Ave/Northwestern Pkwy
o Monroe St/Quinn Ave
o Homestead Rd/Los Olivos Dr
o Benton St/Curtis Ave
o Newhall St/Bohannon Dr
o Winchester Blvd/Tulip Dr
o Winchester Blvd/Dolores Ave
o Kiely Blvd/Mauricia Ave.
Written by: Nicole He, Associate Engineer, Public Works
Reviewed by: Carol Shariat, Principal Transportation Planner, Public Works
Reviewed by: Steve Chan, Transportation Manager, Public Works
Approved by: Michael Liw, Assistant Director/City Engineer, Public Works
1. MTC Resolution 4493
2. Housing Incentive Pool (HIP) Letter of Interest Instructions
3. Complete Streets Checklist - Pruneridge Avenue Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements
4. Complete Streets Checklist - Santa Clara Uncontrolled Crosswalks Phase 2