Stevens Creek Boulevard Corridor Vision Study Approval (Liw)
The City of Santa Clara, City of San Jose, City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, and the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) are finalizing the Stevens Creek Boulevard Corridor Vision Study (Study) which is a two-year, community-based, multi-jurisdictional transportation study for the Stevens Creek Boulevard/West San Carlos corridor. The goal is to create a vision for this corridor that focuses on complete streets, multi-modal transportation improvements, and possible high-capacity transit options to connect Diridon Station in San Jose through Santa Clara and to the De Anza College/Highway 85 area in Cupertino.
The Stevens Creek Boulevard corridor (Attachment 1), beginning along West San Carlos Street near Diridon Station and extending west to Highway 85, is a major roadway that connects regional job centers focusing on health, education, and tech, to housing and commercial areas. Prominent sites along the corridor include De Anza College, Main Street Cupertino, the currently under development Vallco mixed use mall, Apple headquarters, Agilent Technologies headquarters, various commercial sites in Santa Clara, and five San Jose Urban Villages, one of which includes the Santana Row/Valley Fair shopping district, and the new West San Jose Innovation Zone. Additionally, the Stevens Creek Boulevard area is a "Future Focus Area" in the City of Santa Clara's General Plan.
The corridor has experienced growth in commercial and residential land uses and it is anticipated that this trend will continue. In 2019, the cities of Cupertino, Santa Clara, San Jose, and Santa Clara County adopted resolutions (Attachment 2) in support of initiating a “vision study” of the Stevens Creek Corridor, formalizing interest in creating a common vision for improved mobility along Stevens Creek Boulevard that could include potential improvements to pedestrian, bicycle, and transit infrastructure to enhance quality of life for all community members that reside in and use the corridor.
It should be noted that this is a planning study only and does not include design, environmental review, or construction of any improvements. At the completion of the work effort, if the jurisdictions decide to move forward with specific plans or improvements, then additional funds would be required to for design, bid and construction.
In August 2022, the City Council established the project and authorized staff to move forward with this effort. The City of San Jose procured transportation consultant services (Iteris Inc. and Winter Consulting) for the Study and entered into funding reimbursement agreements with all participating jurisdictions.
In early 2023, the Vision Study consulting team began early engagement with the various community groups and stakeholders along the Stevens Creek Boulevard corridor.
Stevens Creek Corridor Steering Committee: A Stevens Creek Corridor Steering Committee (Steering Committee) was formed and includes elected officials from the Cities of Santa Clara, Cupertino, San Jose, and the County of Santa Clara. Councilmember Teresa O’Neill, Councilmember Anthony Becker, and Mayor Gillmor have served on this committee. On January 14, 2025, the Council approved Vice Mayor Kelly Cox to serve on the Steering Committee. Since 2020, the Steering Committee has met seven times (five times since start of the Vision Study).
Community Advisory Group: To enhance community involvement and also advise the Steering Committee, the Study includes a Community Advisory Group (CAG) to provide public input on corridor needs and potential improvements. The CAG is comprised of 12 community members representing various community interests such as bicycle and pedestrian advocates, business owners, neighborhood associations, and students. Santa Clara Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) member, Perry Penvenne, is part of the CAG.
The Study was completed in several phases as discussed below:
Phase 1: Need Assessment: During this phase, the Project team conducted various outreach activities to obtain community and stakeholder feedback regarding needs for the Stevens Creek Boulevard corridor. A summary of the needs and feedback reported includes the following:
• Vehicle speeds too high
• Safety concerns for all modes
• Barriers
• Better transit, walking, biking infrastructure
• Better Crossings
Phase 2: Vision Development: During this phase, the community, various stakeholders, the Community Advisory Group, and Steering Committee was asked to help create a Vision Statement for the Study. The goal of the Vision Statement is to have a high-level declaration of what the communities and jurisdictions believe should be the “Vision” or “north star” of what the corridor should aspire to be. During the development of the Vision Statement, the community provided the following feedback:
• Better Transit Service
• Complete Streets
• Community Integration
• Bikeability
• Walkability
• Corridor Connections
Based on all the feedback received from the community, stakeholders, CAG, and Steering Committee, the following Vision Statement was adopted.
Vision Statement
The Stevens Creek Boulevard Corridor transportation infrastructure changed a little in the past 50 years, while the area it serves grew into a worldwide hub of innovation. Therefore, we envision the transportation corridor our community deserves to support continued residential and commercial vibrancy: safe and enjoyable travel for people of every age, ability, and chosen mode.
Residents, businesses, and visitors would be served by:
• A high-capacity transit system supported by station access enhancements to connect the Cities of Cupertino, Santa Clara, and San José from Diridon Station and Downtown San José to De Anza College within twenty minutes, with connection to Foothill Boulevard, for reliable travel to local and regional destinations. Station areas would be well-maintained and inviting community assets.
• A stress-free and enjoyable walking and bicycling environment. High-quality pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure would be prioritized to connect neighborhoods to the corridor within ½ mile or 20-minute walk of transit stops.
• Safe and efficient vehicle travel would be accommodated for connections to neighborhoods, businesses, and expressways and freeways.
This Vision would be implemented by a continuous, open, and inclusive evaluation process to promote equitable access and use.
To accompany the Vision Statement, the Study includes the following Values and Guiding Principles that the jurisdictions should prioritize:
Values and Guiding Principles
The Corridor Vision would be implemented in steps. The committed shared purpose, vision, and values of the Cities of Cupertino, San José, and Santa Clara, Santa Clara County, and the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) will guide the Vision implementation process:
Ongoing Collaboration
• Continually engage and collaborate with corridor users and decision-makers.
• Incrementally improve access, comfort, speed, and reliability of transit.
• Embrace technological innovations.
Safety of All Corridor Users
• Eliminate transportation-related fatalities and severe injuries.
• Allow safe passage for vulnerable road users along and crossing the corridor.
• Reduce the level of stress and increase the accessibility of walking and biking
Create a Sustainable Environment to Prioritize People
• Design for all ages, abilities, and incomes of users.
• Maintain the corridor as a clean and inviting place.
• Provide green space and shade and support native wildlife and plants.
• Foster enjoyable public space.
• Support reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from transportation.
A Transit Corridor
• Increase transit frequency and speed.
• Favor transit travel time over auto travel time in roadway operations.
• Improve access and comfort of waiting for transit.
• Implement a high capacity, separated transit service in the corridor.
Convenience and Connectivity
• Improve the convenience of travel for people.
• Ensure access and connectivity for all travelers through investment to meet resident and business needs.
• Enhance neighborhood and business access.
Phase 3/4: Implementation Plan/Alternatives/Options: During this Phase, the community, stakeholders, CAG, and Steering Committee discussed priorities and potential alternatives. Below is a summary of the discussion and preferences on key concepts:
• Main transportation priorities:
o Safety (67%)
o Improved Transit Service (48%)
o Maintenance/Cleanliness (44%)
o Walkability (44%)
o Bicycle Safety (38%)
• Top Identity and Maintenance Priorities:
o Sidewalk and Vegetation Maintenance (69%)
o Street Cleaning and Maintenance (61%)
• Top Bus Speed, Reliability, and Experience Priorities:
o Real Time Arrival Information (60%)
o Better Bus Stop Waiting Areas (56%)
• 83% in favor of protected bicycle facilities
• Top Walking Improvement Priorities:
o Shade Trees (79%)
o Pedestrian Oriented Lighting (59%)
• Best way to reduce Vehicle Speeds
o Cameras for Red Light Running and Speeding (53%)
o Speed Feedback Signs (48%)
• 73% in favor of separated transit in the Corridor
Below is a summary of the recommended improvement options to consider:
• Near Term (5-Years)
o Corridor Identity and Maintenance
o Bus Speed, Reliability and Experience
o Enhanced Corridor Walking and Biking Infrastructure & Connections
• Mid-Term (10-Years)
o Intersection and Crossing Improvements
• Long Term (20+ Years)
o Separated High-Capacity Transit
The Study (Attachment 3) provides additional details and information regarding these alternatives.
Community Outreach: Community engagement was a major component of advancing the Study and a variety of outreach strategies were used to seek input from stakeholders. The following outreach methods have been implemented for the Study:
• Stakeholder Interviews
• Focus Groups (4 rounds)
• Pop-Up (4 rounds)
• Corridor Tours (2)
• Online Webinars (4)
• CAG Meetings (4)
• Steering Committee Meetings (5)
• Website, City Communications, Surveys
• Discussion at eight Santa Clara BPAC Meetings
December 18, 2024 Steering Committee Meeting: On December 18, 2024, the Steering Committee discussed the Study and recommended that each jurisdiction adopt the Study as soon as possible.
Next Steps: The next steps for this effort entail adoption of the Study by all jurisdictions. Additionally, the Steering Committee and jurisdictions are committed to continually meeting and working towards studying and implementing the options identified in the Study.
Recommend to City Council to approve the Stevens Creek Boulevard Corridor Vision Study.
Written by: Michael Liw, Assistant Director/City Engineer, Public Works
1. Location Map
2. Santa Clara Resolution
3. Study