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Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 21-372    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Public Hearing/General Business Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/24/2021 In control: Development Review Hearing
On agenda: 3/17/2021 Final action:
Title: Action on Phase 1 of the Gateway Crossings Project design plan at 1205 Coleman Avenue
Attachments: 1. DRH Minutes - February 13, 2021, 2. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, 3. Conditions of Rezoning, 4. Conditions of Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map, 5. Development Plan, 6. PMM Staff PowerPoint, 7. PMM Applicant PowerPoint




Action on Phase 1 of the Gateway Crossings Project design plan at 1205 Coleman Avenue


File No.(s): PLN2020-14597

Location: 1205 Coleman Avenue, a 9.82-acre portion of a 21.4-acre project site at the southwest corner of Coleman Avenue and Brokaw Road; APN: 230-46-069; property is zoned Very High Density Mixed-Use (VHDMU)

Applicant: Holland Partner Group, Alden Smith                     

Owner: Hunter Storm Properties

Request: Architecture review of the Gateway Crossings Phase 1 development plan consisting of two Type II buildings (5-stories wood frame over 2-story podium) containing a total of 16,600 square feet (sf) of commercial space, 22,500 sf amenity space, 725 dwelling units, 1,127 vehicle parking spaces (cars and motorcycles); private streets and infrastructure; and site landscaping.

Project Data


Gateway Crossings Project Approval

Phase 1 Development

Site Area

21.4 acres

9.82 acres

General Plan Designation

Santa Clara Station Very High Density Residential (51-120 du/ac) with minimum commercial FAR of 0.2


Zoning District

Very High Density Mixed Use (VHDMU)


Land Use

Mixed Use - Residential, Commercial and Park/Open Space



45,000 sf                                     152,000 sf 225 room hotel                  0.2 FAR

Building 1: 5,300 sf retail           Building 1: 10,800 sf amenity Building 2: 11,300 sf retail Building 2: 11,700 sf amenity


1,565 units                                            t 73 du/ac

Building 1: 318 units  Building 2: 407 units


2,332 spaces

1,127 vehicle spaces        419 bicycle spaces

Park Space

2.6 acres

2.1 acres

Flood Zone




On July 9, 2020, at a public noticed meeting, the City Council reviewed and approved land use entitlements for phased development of the Gateway Crossings Project located at 1205 Coleman Avenue. The project approvals include a General Plan Amendment to Santa Clara Station Very High Density Residential (51-120 du/ac) with a minimum commercial Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 0.2, a rezone of the 21.4 acre project site to Very High Density Mixed Use (VHDMU), Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map, and Development Agreement (DA); as well as the certification of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the project.  The approvals allow construction of 1,565 multi-family dwelling units, 45,000 sf of ground floor supporting retail, a hotel with 225 guest rooms, surface and structured parking, private streets, landscaped open space, on- and off-site public and private right-of-way improvements, and associated site infrastructure in two phases; including the development and maintenance of two public parks totaling 2.6 acres on the project site.

A lease agreement has been entered into between Hunter Storm Properties and the Holland Partner Group for the construction of off-site roadway and traffic improvements along Coleman Avenue and Brokaw Road; sidewalks along the project frontage and private streets and site landscaping within the Phase 1 project area; Buildings 1 and 2 consisting of ground floor retail, Police Athletics League (PAL) amenity space, structured parking with residential units above; and development of the 2.1 acre Neighborhood Park. 

The DA between the City and the Property Owner secures the development rights, terms, and conditions for phased development of the Gateway Crossings Project.  

A public noticed Development Review Hearing was held on January 13, 2021 and was continued to February 3, 2021 following public comment and request by the community to conduct an additional public hearing to receive additional public comment on Phase 1 building architecture. Comments stated at the January 13, 2021 Zoom meeting focused on building articulation and color palette, window style and patterning, exterior building materials, and type and location of trees. The project was continued following public comment to the Development Review Hearing of February 3, 2021, at which time additional comments were provided by some members of the community. It should be noted that several of attendees of the virtual meeting expressed support for the project as presented and encouraged construction happen as soon as possible. The comments by those concerned about the architecture included requests for additional changes to break up the horizontal massing, change the aesthetic style of the Building podiums, and ”believability” in scale of the tenant spaces and residential blocking of the warehouse design theme. As previously stated, the remaining majority of speakers expressed their support of the design changes made to date, iterated below in the following section of this staff report, and favor for the proposed Phase 1 design as presented, and without further changes, in the Development Plan attached.  

Points for consideration for the Architectural Review

                     The project site is located in the Santa Clara Station Focus Area adjacent to high volume rail and traffic corridors. This Focus Area is envisioned as a gateway into the City and opportunity to expand the City’s economic base with new office, hotel, retail and high density residential development to maximize the use of existing and planned transit facilities and operations, and reduce vehicle miles travelled on the local and regional roadway network.

                     The Gateway Crossings Project is designed as a transit and pedestrian-oriented mixed-use development consistent with General Plan goals and policies of the Santa Clara Station Focus Area; as it includes high density residential development, neighborhood serving retail, centrally located park, pedestrian connections to adjacent development and existing and planned transit services, and complete street sections with landscaped park strips and wide sidewalks.

                     The 21.4 acre project site is subdivided into four mixed-use parcels (Lots 1 - 4), one commercial parcel (Lot 5), a dedicated park parcel (Lot 6), and six common lots (Lots A - F) for site access/circulation and utility corridors to serve the development.

                     Phase 1 involves the development of the mixed-use Buildings 1 and 2 on Lots 1 and 2 respectively; the centrally located Neighborhood Park on Lot 6; and on- and off-site public and private right-of-way improvements and infrastructure by the Developer, Holland Partner Group.

                     The property owner, Hunter Storm Properties, conducted multiple public outreach meetings that have influenced the site design and building architecture during the development review process, prior to Council approval of the Gateway Crossings Project. Holland Partner Group, Developer, has since held two virtual community outreach meetings to present and engage the community in the refinement of the design plan for Phase 1 development. The first Zoom meeting was held on September 2, 2020 and the second on November 16, 2020 to present further enhancements of the design in response to public comments requesting further breaks in massing, textural materials, and active outdoor areas.

                     Following the Development Review Hearing of January 13, 2021, a working session was held on January 21, 2021 between the developer, project architects and two community members that focused on specific design elements to create differentiation and rhythm in the style of architecture along the exterior building elevations, added texture and color, and deeper reveals surrounding the windows.

                     The following is a list of changes to the project that have been incorporated into the building and site design to date arising from staff discussions and public engagement and recommendation:

§                     Lowered Building 1 garage level to reduce the grade change along the Coleman Avenue frontage.

§                     Reduced the floor to floor height of the parking levels. 

§                     Incorporated additional “linear” units at the Coleman Avenue Building 1 - level 2 garage edge to enhance the building façade and provide further “eyes on the street”.

§                     Activated the Building 1 Coleman Avenue edge through the incorporation of corner entry lobbies and landscape plazas.

§                     Incorporated a larger building break mid-block along the Building 1 Coleman Avenue frontage to reduce overall massing and further distinguish between the two proposed building components and associated architectural styles.

§                     Expanded the active uses along the Building 1 Neighborhood Park edge to include the building corner at the project’s entry from Brokaw Road.

§                     Introduced a second architectural style at Building 2 to provide variety and relieve the monotonous feel of the single style of architecture previously proposed.

§                     Adjusted the color warmth of the grey brick at Building 1.

§                     Incorporated additional window depth at specific and prominent building locations.

§                     Developed the retail plaza into a pedestrian-oriented “Cross-drive” experience; including the introduction of canopy trees (Chinese Elm) in place of the previously proposed Palms and enhanced the outdoor dining opportunities.

§                     Removed planter and bench seating from in front of the PAL space at Building 2 and relocated the sculpture from the Neighborhood Park to this location.

§                     Additional contemporary style of architecture introduced to the southeast corner of Building 1

§                     Additional contemporary style of architecture introduced at the northwest corner of Building 2.

§                     Wrapped brick cladding to hold the southwest corner of Building 1.*

§                     Wrapped plaster frame element to hold the southwest corner of Building 2 pool deck (level 2). *

*Note “Wrapping and holding the corner” entails creating architectural continuity on each façade of a building corner in order to create a more cohesive design expression.

§                     Adjusted background colors to further distinguish between Building 2 architectural styles.

§                     Provide more clear definition of base at northwest corner of Building 2.

§                     Increased width of storefront bays glazing at Building 1 retail.

§                     Provided flexibility to storefront bays at retail to allow for operable glass partitions as needed for future retail tenants.    

Architecture and site design

Gateway Crossings is designed as a district of urban buildings that feature contemporary architectural forms and integrated uses that are spatially arranged to provide connectivity, promote activity, and create a sense of place. The project is planned to achieve USGBC LEED silver standards or their equivalent for each phase of development

Building 1 is a 107,603 sf structure planned on Lot 1 behind landscaped setbacks at the northeast corner of the project site fronting Coleman Avenue an Brokaw Road. The 133,545 sf Building 2 is to be centrally located on Lot 2 interfacing the approved Neighborhood Park and landscaped streetscape along Champions Way.


Building heights vary across the site to offset mass and scale and create visual interest. Phase 1 Buildings 1 and 2 tier from six to seven stories in height and include ground floor retail, two levels of podium parking and residential units above.  Maximum building height established with the VHDMU zoning designation of the site is 150 feet. The design of the buildings vary and include structures having a modern aesthetic that take inspiration from shipping warehouse architecture with simple building forms, a regular fenestration pattern, expressed columns and beams, and traditional articulation of the building’s base, middle, and top. 


Exterior materials include store front glazing along the base of the buildings, plaster (with smooth-finished plaster in highly visible areas), horizontal and vertical siding, rainscreen siding, and brick veneer. Metal cornices and canopies are added as accent elements to key locations. Balcony features include metal railings and glass panels for varied ornamentation. The project includes pedestrian pole lighting along the new private streets and pedestrian walkways as well as wall light mounting of the buildings. 


The project incorporates C3 post construction stormwater control measures in the site design and landscaping along public and private streetscapes and Neighborhood Park. A varied plant palette is proposed that includes canopy street trees, green screens to obscure visibility of podium parking and mechanical equipment along the streetscape, bioretention planting, and drought tolerant plantings across the project site.


A Master Sign Program for the project will be submitted separately for City review and approval.


Further design refinements of the Neighborhood Park will be conducted with public input and facilitated by the Parks and Recreation Department.


Circulation and Parking

The project includes the construction of public and private roadway improvements to facilitate traffic, bicycle mobility, and pedestrian connectivity to and from the site. The improvements consist of new access points for ingress and egress to the site on Coleman Avenue and Brokaw Road and the construction of on-site private streets and an off-site public street to serve the site. Coleman Avenue will have two access points. The first is a new right-in and right-out only driveway located between Building 1 and the hotel. The second includes the construction of a new signalized intersection at the southern edge of the project site and new public street (Champions Way) that will provide access to the hotel, Building 2 and neighboring Phase 2 development of the Coleman Highline Project. Two driveways are proposed on Brokaw Road that would allow right and left turn movements in and out of the site. The first is located between Building 1 and the east side of the park and the second is located between the west side of the park and Building 4. This second access on Brokaw Road is proposed as a full access intersection and will include the construction of a signalized intersection designed to align with the existing Costco driveway mid-block.


The road network would provide access to parking structures in each of the buildings, surface parking spaces, and loading areas on-site; as well as through access from Brokaw Road to Champions Way and the planned street network for the neighboring Coleman Highline Project and Avaya Stadium in San Jose.


Additional roadway improvements include the addition of shared through, left turn and right turn lanes on the east and westbound approaches of Brokaw Road at Coleman Avenue within the existing right-of-way, and widening of Coleman Avenue along the project’s frontage. The project would also include the relocation and construction of a bus duck-out, bus pad, and bus shelter near the Coleman Avenue/Brokaw Road intersection with the widening of Coleman Avenue. These improvements are to facilitate vehicle traffic, accommodate bike lanes on both roadway segments, and improve an existing transit facility. 


The project includes the construction of sidewalks for pedestrian connectivity with a complete street design along the public streets fronting the project site and internal private streets. Accent paving on the private streets is also incorporated in the design at pedestrian crossings and bicycle racks are located adjacent to building entries.

Findings supporting the Staff Recommendation

1.                     That any off-street parking area, screening strips and other facilitates and improvements necessary to secure the purpose and intent of this title and the general plan of the City area a part of the proposed development, in that;

                     Phase 1 development provides the requisite number of vehicle parking spaces consistent with the approved VHDMU zoning designation for the Gateway Crossings Project.

                     Phase 1 development provides complete street sections with landscape planter strips and wide sidewalks.

                     Phase 1 development includes public and private roadway improvements and infrastructure to serve the development.

2.                     That the design and location of the proposed development and its location to neighboring developments and traffic is such that it will not impair the desirability of investment or occupation in the neighborhood. And will not unreasonably interfere with the use and enjoyment of neighboring developments, and will not create traffic congestion or hazard, in that:

                     The project is compatible in terms of land use, intensity of development and building orientation, height and architecture with adjacent existing and planned development, subject to changes recommended by the community.  

                     The project is subject to the terms and conditions of the DA for the Gateway Crossings Project and shall implement and comply with the mitigation measures set forth in the EIR and Conditions of Rezoning and Vesting Tentative Subdivision  Map approvals for the Project to avoid and reduce potential development impacts.

3.                     That the design and location of the proposed development is such that it is in keeping with the character of the neighborhood and is such as not to be detrimental to the harmonious development contemplated by this title and the general plan of the City, in that;

                     The development is consistent with the General Plan designation for the project site and is compatible with the planned transit-oriented uses in the Santa Clara Station Focus in which it is located.

                     The project is compatible in terms of land use, intensity of development and building orientation, height and architecture with adjacent existing and planned development. 

4.                     That the granting of such approval will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, materially affect adversely the health, comfort or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of said development, and will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injuries to property or improvements in said neighborhood, in that;

                     The project is subject to the California Building Code and City Code requirements, which serve to regulate new construction to protect public health safety and general welfare.

                     The project is subject to the terms and conditions of the DA for the Gateway Crossings Project and shall implement and comply with the mitigation measures set forth in the EIR and Conditions of Rezoning and Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map approvals for the Project to avoid and reduce potential development impacts.

5.                     That the proposed development, as set forth in the plans and drawings, are consistent with the set of more detailed policies and criteria for architectural review as approved and updated from time to time by the City Council, which set shall be maintained in the planning division office, in that;

                     The design of Phase 1 development provides for an attractive, inviting and functional site arrangement of the buildings, obscured parking podiums, screened rooftop mechanical equipment, landscaped streetscapes, centrally located public park space, common and private open space and amenities.

                     The project incorporates high quality materials and landscaping in the site design and building architecture.

                     The project provides for proper access, visibility and identity, and transit accessibility to existing and planned transit facilities

                     The project provides new high-quality market rate and affordable housing units to the City’s housing stock at 73 du/ac in proximity to existing and planned transit services.



1)                     Submit plans for final architectural review to the Planning Division and obtain architectural approval prior to issuance of building permits. Said plans to include, but not be limited to, site plans, floor plans, elevations, landscaping, lighting and signage.

2)                     The developer shall implement and comply with the project conditions of approval and the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) for the Gateway Crossings Project with Phase 1 development of the project site.



An EIR for the Gateway Crossings Project was prepared and circulated for public and agency review and comment in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act and was certified by the City Council on July 19, 2019 at a public noticed meeting; in conjunction with the approval of a MMMRP for the Project.


There is no impact to the City for processing the requested application other than administrative staff time and expense typically covered by processing fees paid by the applicant. 


On December 21, 2020, a notice of public hearing of this item was mailed to properties within 1,000 feet of the project site and within the Old Quad. The hearing notice was also   posted in at least three conspicuous places within 300 feet of the project site. The project was reviewed at the January 13, 2021 and continued to February 3, 2021 Development Review Hearing to receive additional public comment on Phase 1 building architecture.  



Approve Phase 1 of the Gateway Crossings Project design plan at 1205 Coleman Avenue subject to conditions.



Prepared by: Debby Fernandez, Associate Planner, Community Development Department

Approved by: Gloria Sciara, Development Review Officer, Community Development Department



1.                     Development Review Minutes -February 3, 2021 

2.                     Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program

3.                     Conditions of Rezoning

4.                     Conditions of Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map

5.                     Development Plan