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Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 18-1186    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Public Hearing/General Business Status: Passed
File created: 8/23/2018 In control: Council and Authorities Concurrent Meeting
On agenda: 9/18/2018 Final action: 9/18/2018
Title: Action on the Community Grant Policy and Amendment of the FY 2018/19 Municipal Fee Schedule to Add a No-fee Parade Permit for Santa Clara Non-Profit Organizations
Attachments: 1. Sponsorship Policy, 2. P&P 014 Funding Requests - Championship Teams Individuals, 3. Guidelines for Funding Assistance Through the Championship Team Fund, 4. Community Grant Policy, 5. Resolution to Adopt Community Grant Policy, 6. Resolution Amending the 2018-19 Municipal Fee Schedule to Add a No-Fee Parade Permit, 7. POST MEETING MATERIAL, 8. Resolution No. 18-8605, 9. Resolution No. 18-8606




Action on the Community Grant Policy and Amendment of the FY 2018/19 Municipal Fee Schedule to Add a No-fee Parade Permit for Santa Clara Non-Profit Organizations




For many years, the City has supported youth- and community-related events and activities.  In 2017 staff prepared a draft Sponsorship policy intended to provide guidelines and a process for eligible organizations to seek City support for these activities.  At the November 13, 2017 Governance Committee meeting, the Committee recommended that the draft Sponsorship policy (Attachment 1) be referred to the City Council for final review and approval.


Subsequent to the Governance Committee meeting, staff reviewed the draft Sponsorship policy, within the context of existing City policy including, “P&P 014 Funding Requests - Championship Teams/Individuals” (Attachment 2), and March 11, 2014 Council approved “Guidelines for Funding Assistance Through the Championship Team Fund”(Attachment 3).  After review, staff merged both policies and the guidelines into a single policy for grant requests titled, “Community Grant Policy,” which is discussed below.



The proposed Community Grant policy (Attachment 4) establishes a standardized process to award grants to qualifying non-profit community organizations, athletic groups or organizations, educational groups or organizations, or individuals, for events, activities, and competitions that provide a public benefit to the City of Santa Clara and its residents. The Community Grant policy expands on the draft Sponsorship policy by listing specific eligibility criteria and providing a detailed procedure for processing grant requests.


The Community Grant policy requires applicants to submit their applications, except for Championship Team Funding Requests, at least ninety (90) days prior to the planned event or activity being funded. To satisfy the eligibility criteria of the policy, the event or activity being funded by the City’s grant must:

                     Provide a benefit to Santa Clara residents, students, or schools,

                     Contribute positively to the recognition and image of the City of Santa Clara,

                     Be open to the general public, and not discriminate any protected characteristic under state or federal law,

                     Align with established Council goals, and

                     Not be used for political or religious purposes


Fundraising events are eligible to be funded by the City’s grant if the event satisfies the eligibility criteria of the policy and if the proceeds will support programs, services, or events for Santa Clara residents. 


Consistent with the current P&P 014 Funding Requests - Championship Teams/Individuals Policy, if the activity being funded is individual or group attendance at a state, national, or international competition or performance, additional eligibility criteria must be satisfied:

                     The grant funds requested will only be used for a specific state, national, or international title or performance,

                     The grant funds requested do not exceed 20% of the allowable expenses,

                     Individuals, teams or groups should either be from Santa Clara schools or have at least 50% of the students from the teams or groups be residents in the City of Santa Clara, and

                     The student-to-coach/chaperone ratio is six students to one coach/chaperone.


Further, due to the short notice to advance to state, national, or international competitions and performances, applicants shall submit an application within one week of advancing to such competitions or performances.


Staff recommends changing the title of the draft Sponsorship policy to Community Grant policy to signify that the City of Santa Clara is not co-sponsoring events, but rather awarding financial grants to qualifying applicants. As this policy will replace P&P 014 Funding Requests - Championship Teams/Individuals, staff also recommends rescinding P&P 014.


Upon Council approval, the Community Grant policy will be included in the City of Santa Clara Council Policy Manual.  After the adoption of the policy, staff will inform the public and interested parties about this policy through social media, the City’s website, and direct contact to previous applicants. Also, staff will implement this policy through the development of forms available on the City’s website no later than October 1, 2018.


In support of long-standing cultural and other events in the City, staff recommends that the Council establishes a no-fee Parade Permit for non-profit organizations registered in the City of Santa Clara and for an estimated attendance of 1,000 people for up to five parades annually. Due to fiscal constraints, any additional no-fee parade permit requires Council approval.  Typical parades include the Santa Clara High School Homecoming Parade (200 to 300 attendees) or the Portuguese Community Parades (100 to 200 attendees).  Therefore, staff recommends to set the threshold of the no-fee parade permit at 1,000 attendees. This no-fee permit will cover the activities associated with processing the permit application, street closure, traffic control, hanging of banners, amplified sound permit, and police staffing, as applicable.  



The action being considered does not constitute a “project” within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15378(b)(5) in that it is a governmental organizational or administrative activity that will not result in direct or indirect changes in the environment.



A one-time allocation of $100,000 for community grants is included in the FY2018/19 Adopted Budget. There is a remaining balance of $92,175 available in this line item. 


An allocation of $36,000 for funding assistance for championship teams/individuals and sports affiliate groups to travel to state, national and international competition and performances representing the City of Santa Clara is included in the FY2018/19 Adopted Budget. There is a remaining balance of $34,428 available in the Championship Team line item.


The impact to the General Fund for this no-fee permit is unknown at this time.  Any revenue impact will be absorbed within the current year budget and incorporated, as needed, in the development of future budgets. Due to the current General Fund fiscal outlook, staff recommends limiting the no-fee parade permits to five parades annually and thereafter Council consideration of granting an additional no-fee permit would be required.



This report was coordinated with the City Attorney’s Office and the Finance Department.



Public contact was made by posting the Council agenda on the City’s official-notice bulletin board outside City Hall Council Chambers. A complete agenda packet is available on the City’s website and in the City Clerk’s Office at least 72 hours prior to a Regular Meeting and 24 hours prior to a Special Meeting. A hard copy of any agenda report may be requested by contacting the City Clerk’s Office at (408) 615-2220, email <> or at the public information desk at any City of Santa Clara public library.



1.                     Adopt a resolution to approve the Community Grant Policy and rescind P&P 014 Funding Requests - Championship Teams/Individuals; and

2.                     Adopt a resolution to amend the 2018-19 Municipal Fee Schedule to add a No-Fee Parade Permit for Santa Clara Non-Profit Organizations for up to five parades annually with a maximum estimated attendance of 1,000 people per parade.

3.                     Do not adopt a resolution to approve the Community Grant Policy and rescind P&P 014 Funding Requests - Championship Teams/Individuals; and

4.                     Do not adopt a resolution to amend the 2018-19 Municipal Fee Schedule to add a No-Fee Parade Permit for Santa Clara Non-Profit Organizations for up to five parades annually with a maximum estimated attendance of 1,000 people per parade.

5.                     Any other Council direction.




Alternatives 1. and 2.:

1.                     Adopt a resolution to approve the Community Grant Policy and rescind P&P 014 Funding Requests - Championship Teams/Individuals; and

2.                     Adopt a resolution to amend the 2018-19 Municipal Fee Schedule to add a No-Fee Parade Permit for Santa Clara Non-Profit Organizations for up to five parades annually with a maximum estimated attendance of 1,000 people per parade.



Reviewed by: Walter C. Rossmann, Chief Operating Officer

Approved by: Deanna J. Santana, City Manager


1. Sponsorship Policy

2. P&P 014 Funding Requests - Championship Teams/Individuals

3. Guidelines for Funding Assistance Through the Championship Team Fund

4. Community Grant Policy

5. Resolution to approve the Community Grant policy and rescind P&P 014 Funding Requests - Championship Teams/Individuals

6. Resolution Amending the 2018-19 Municipal Fee Schedule to Add a No-Fee Parade Permit