Appointment of Youth Commissioners for the 2018-19 Term
The City of Santa Clara Youth Commission was established on June 6, 1995 by Ordinance No. 1673. The Commission provides opportunities for youth involvement in, and access to, City government through a formal commission. The Youth Commission is comprised of 15 residents of the City of Santa Clara, aged 12-19, who serve a one year term with a maximum term of service of four calendar years, who don’t hold a paid office or employment in the City, and include at least one representative from each high school and middle school in the City. The Youth Commission serves in an advisory capacity to Council and makes recommendations on matters pertaining to youth, and is under supervision of a staff liaison designated by the City Manager.
On March 24, 2018, twenty-five candidates for the City of Santa Clara Youth Commission were interviewed by the Staff Liaison, Recreation Supervisor, and the outgoing Youth Commission Chairperson. The applicants were screened for the eligibility criteria listed above and evaluated and rated on how well they would represent the City’s youth and teen population on the Youth Commission. There are currently eight (8) returning members eligible to be reappointed, seven (7) Commission vacancies to be filled by new appointments, and two (2) alternate positions to be appointed by the Council.
Following interviews, seven of the candidates were recommended to serve on the Commission, and two candidates were recommended to be alternates. Alternate members are not voting members of the Commission but will attend meetings and assume a position on the Commission should a member be unable to complete their term. Each Commissioner will serve a one-year term beginning in August 2018 and ending in May 2019. Each candidate recommended for appointment meets the requirements outlined above.
The list below contains fifteen candidates recommended for the 2018-19 Youth Commission, including: eight members from the 2017-18 Youth Commission returning for reappointment, seven new appointments, and two alternates.
City of Santa Clara Youth Commission 2018-19
Recommended Candidates (2018-19 Term)
Name Grade School in the Fall of 2018
1. Yusra Arub 12 Archbishop Mitty High School
2. Jasmine Kelly-Tanti 8 Cabrillo Middle School
3. Vincent Kloes 11 Wilcox High School
4. Adrianne Krivokapic-Zhou 10 Santa Clara High School
5. Siya Sharma 11 St. Francis High School
6. Smrithi Suresh 10 Wilcox High School
7. Natasha Yen 10 The Harker School
Recommended Alternate Candidates
1. Vibhav Rajkumar 10 Cupertino High School
2. Raksha Sen 11 St. Francis High School
Returning 2017-18 Youth Commissioners eligible for the 2018-19 Term
Name Grade School in the Fall of 2018
1. Antonio Davila 12 Santa Clara High School
2. Ria Grewal 12 Presentation High School
3. Jezzabella Jimenez 12 Mission Early College HS
4. Caroline Kloes 12 Wilcox High School
5. Damarah Madriaga 12 Santa Clara High School
6. Kayla Phan 10 Santa Clara High School
7. Meera Suresh 11 Cupertino High School
8. Sanjana Yerramaneni 11 Wilcox High School
Staff support, Commissioner training and meeting expenses are the only fiscal impacts relating to approval of appointments to the Youth Commission for the 2018-19 term. Additional fiscal impacts may result if the City Council approves Youth Commission recommendations that include an expenditure of funds.
Public contact was made by posting the Council agenda on the City’s official-notice bulletin board outside City Hall Council Chambers. A complete agenda packet is available on the City’s website and in the City Clerk’s Office at least 72 hours prior to a Regular Meeting and 24 hours prior to a Special Meeting. A hard copy of any agenda report may be requested by contacting the City Clerk’s Office at (408) 615-2220, email <> or at the public information desk at any City of Santa Clara public library.
Appoint seven incoming Commissioners, appoint two alternates, and confirm the reappointment of eight returning Commissioners to serve on the 2018-19 Santa Clara Youth Commission.
Reviewed by: James Teixeira, Director, Parks & Recreation Department
Approved by: Deanna J. Santana, City Manager