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Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 24-1142    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Public Hearing/General Business Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 11/8/2024 In control: Historical & Landmarks Commission
On agenda: 2/6/2025 Final action: 2/6/2025
Title: PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of the Proposed Demolition of the Existing Single-Family Residence and Construction of a 2,446 Square-Foot Five-Bedroom, Three-Bathroom Two-Story Residence with an Attached Two Car Garage at 970 Poplar Street (PLN24-00600) located within 200 Feet of a Historic Resource.
Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map, 2. Project Data and Compliance Table, 3. Development Plans, 4. DPR 523 A, 5. PMM Staff Presentation




PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of the Proposed Demolition of the Existing Single-Family Residence and Construction of a 2,446 Square-Foot Five-Bedroom, Three-Bathroom Two-Story Residence with an Attached Two Car Garage at 970 Poplar Street (PLN24-00600) located within 200 Feet of a Historic Resource.




The 6,600 square foot property is located on the southern side of Poplar Street, approximately 200 feet east of the corner of Poplar Street and Washington Street. It is currently developed with residence built in 1946, a detached garage, and prefabricated shed at the rear of the property. The subject property is currently zoned R1-6L - Single-Family Residential with the General Plan Land Use Designation of Very Low Density Residential. The property is not currently listed as a historic resource on the City’s Historic Resource Inventory (HRI); however, it is within 200 feet of a Historic Resource located at 410 Lafayette Way. See the attached vicinity map (Attachment 1) for location of the property and the nearby HRI property.


The project is before the Historical and Landmarks Commission (HLC) in accordance with the Historic Preservation Ordinance (18.130.070), which requires all projects on properties within 200 feet of an HRI property requiring Architectural Review at a Development Review Hearing first be referred to the HLC. The HLC shall review the project for neighborhood compatibility and consistency with the City’s Design Guidelines and make a recommendation on the Architectural Review. The project would then be heard at the Development Review Hearing.



The project proposes the removal of all structures on the site and the construction of a 2,446 square-foot five-bedroom and three-bathroom two-story residence, with a 429 square foot two-car garage, an 84 square-foot rear porch, and an 87 square-foot front porch. The first floor would be approximately 1,971 square feet and the second floor is approximately 1,075 square feet. Additionally, the project proposes a detached Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) in the rear of the lot that would be reviewed ministerially in accordance with the Santa Clara City Code.


The subject address is noted as “potentially historic” in the City permit system database and is of notable age; therefore, a State of California Department of Parks and Recreation DPR 523A form was prepared to evaluate the historical value and integrity of the structure. Bonnie Montgomery prepared the DPR 523A form for the 1946 residence. The report details that the residence is a wood-frame structure built in the Minimal Traditional style and clad in stucco. The report concludes that the subject property does not meet any criteria of historic significance on the federal, state or local levels.


The surrounding residences are smaller one-story properties with side gable or hip roof forms and small front porches. The proposed project would match the surrounding hipped roof forms and include a smaller front porch to be in harmony with the neighborhood. The applicant has proposed the second story of the residence be stepped back from the first by three feet on the sides and ten feet on the front.


The proposed project complies with the City’s Single-Family and Duplex Residential Design Guidelines (2014). Specifically, the project is consistent with the guidelines, in that:


                     The proposed second-floor windows are oriented towards the front and rear.

                     The second floor is proposed to be at 54% of the first floor, which is consistent with the guideline that second floor areas should not exceed 66% of the first-floor area.

                     The proposed second floor meets the step back guidelines in that the second-floor areas are set back at least five feet from the front wall of the three to five feet from the side and rear walls of the first floor.

                     The project proposes a hip roofed style second story which reduces the overall bulk and appearance of the second story.

                     The architectural style and design of the proposed addition are true to the architectural form of the existing residence and for the neighborhood.


The project as proposed would not have a significant adverse visual impact to the integrity of the Historic Resource at 410 Lafayette Way. The resource is not visible from 970 Poplar Street due to a large two-story Spanish revival structure across the street at 901 Poplar Street which obscures the view of 410 Lafayette entirely. The proposed two-story structure will be compatible with the overall neighborhood and will not have an adverse impact on the Historic Resource.



The action being considered is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(e)(1) (Class 1 - Existing Facilities), in that the proposed project is for the removal of a single-family residence and the construction of a single-family residence.



On January 23, 2025, a notice of public hearing was mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the project site. At the time of preparation of this report, the Planning Division has not received any public comments.




Staff recommends that the Historical and Landmarks Commission find that the proposed project located at 970 Poplar Street will not destroy or have a significant adverse effect on the integrity of the HRI listed property within 200 feet at 410 Lafayette Way; that the demolition and proposed residence are compatible with the surrounding neighborhood and recommend approval of the Architectural Review.



Prepared by: Daniel Sobczak, Associate Planner, Community Development Department

Reviewed by: Rebecca Bustos, Principal Planner, Community Development Department

Approved by: Lesley Xavier, Planning Manager, Community Development Department


1. Vicinity Map

2. Project Data and Compliance Table

3. Development Plans

4. DPR 523A