Action on a Use Permit to Allow On-site Sale and Consumption of Beer and Wine for a New Food-service Establishment, Tacomania, at 2855 Stevens Creek Blvd., Santa Clara, 95050
Applicant: Susan Berry
Owner: VFMall LLC
File Number: PLN22-00210
General Plan: Regional Commercial
Zoning: CC - Community Commercial
Site Area: 952 square foot tenant space in a previously approved Retail Center, Valley Fair Mall
Existing Site Conditions: Food service tenant space
Surrounding Land Uses:
North: Commercial / Residential
South: Commercial / Residential
East: Commercial
West: Commercial
Issues: Consistency with the City’s General Plan and Zoning Ordinance
Staff Recommendation: Adopt the resolution approving the Use Permit, subject to conditions of approval.
The applicant is requesting a Use Permit to allow the on-site sale and consumption of beer and wine (ABC License Type 41) in conjunction with a new food service establishment, Tacomania, in an existing tenant space located within an existing retail center, Valley Fair Mall. The restaurant will occupy a 952 square foot tenant space with 21 indoor seats. The proposed restaurant hours of operation, along with the sale and service of beer and wine, are Monday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Alcohol sale and service would only be available during normal business hours and when food service is available. Most revenue will be from the sale of food; alcohol sales are accessory to the main restaurant use.
Consistency with the General Plan
The subject property has a General Plan land use designation of Regional Commercial. This classification is intended for retail and commercial uses that provide local and regional services. It is intended for commercial developments that serve both Santa Clara residents and the surrounding region. A broad range of retail uses is allowed, including regional shopping centers and restaurants. The proposed restaurant use in the existing retail center is consistent with this land use designation, as well as the following General Plan policies:
5.3.3-P1 - Provide a mix of retail and commercial uses to meet the needs of local customers and draw patrons from the greater region.
The proposal is consistent with this policy in that the restaurant will provide another eatery option within the larger retail development, which is surrounded by employment uses.
5.3.1‐P9 Require that new development provide adequate public services and facilities, infrastructure, and amenities to serve the new employment or residential growth.
The proposal is consistent with this policy in that it will provide this public amenity to support the employment growth.
5.3.5-P8 Encourage the provision of services and amenities as part of larger developments in employment areas that cater to lunchtime and service needs, such as dry cleaners, to reduce vehicle miles traveled.
The proposal would allow a full-service restaurant serving alcoholic beverages in close proximity to one of the City’s major employment centers.
Zoning Conformance
The subject property has a zoning designation of Community Commercial (CC). Pursuant to the Santa Clara City Code (SCCC), restaurants that serve alcoholic beverages are subject to Planning Commission review and approval of a Use Permit. SCCC Section 18.110.040 specifies the findings required in order for the Planning Commission to grant a use permit. Included in the Conditions of Approval (P7) is a requirement for the Planning Commission to review the Use Permit within 12 months from the date the applicant obtains an ABC Type 47 License. After six months from obtaining the ABC license, the City shall conduct an administrative review of ABC violations and police service calls and shall report any significant occurrences to the Planning Commission.
The proposal is consistent with the General Plan and Zoning designations for the existing retail center, Valley Fair Mall. The proposed on-site sale and consumption of beer and wine as an ancillary use which would provide convenience to restaurant guests that would further enhance a quality commercial use and meet the needs of local customers.
The action being considered is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301, Class I Existing Facilities, in that the activity consists of the permitting of a proposed use that will occur at an existing facility involving negligible or no expansion of use.
There is no cost to the City other than administrative staff time and expense for the typically covered by processing fees paid by the applicant.
This report was coordinated with the City Attorney’s Office.
On July 21, 2022, a notice of public hearing of this item was posted in three conspicuous locations within 300 feet of the project site and mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the project site. As of the date of this report, planning staff have not received public comments for this application.
Adopt a resolution approving a Use Permit to allow the on-site sale and consumption of beer and wine (ABC License Type 41) for a 952 square foot, 21 seat restaurant, Tacomania, located at 2855 Stevens Creek Blvd, Santa Clara CA 95050, subject to conditions of approval.
Prepared by: Daniel Sobczak, Assistant Planner
Reviewed by: Alexander Abbe, Assistant City Attorney
Approved by: Lesley Xavier, Planning Manager
1. Resolution Approving a Use Permit
2. Conditions of Approval
3. Development Plan