Update on the Pruneridge Avenue Corridor Improvements
On May 22, 2018, the City Council heard a written petition by a resident, Mr. Vivek Khandewal, regarding opposition to the upcoming installation of a new traffic signal at the intersection of Pruneridge Avenue and Cronin Drive. Although the City Council did not direct staff to stop the installation of the new traffic signal, City Council directed staff to return to a future Council meeting to provide an update on the Pruneridge Avenue corridor. The purpose of this report is to provide the City Council with the history of Pruneridge Avenue as a transportation corridor, discuss the past changes that have occurred to Pruneridge Avenue, describe the upcoming FY 2018/19 budgeted capital improvements along Pruneridge Avenue, and update the City Council on future anticipated studies for the corridor.
Pruneridge Avenue is an east/west street near the southern boundary of Santa Clara which ties into Cupertino on the western city limit of Santa Clara and San Jose on the eastern city limit as shown in Attachment 1. Pruneridge Avenue becomes West Hedding Street in San Jose east of Winchester Boulevard. The majority of Pruneridge Avenue is fronted by single family homes in Santa Clara.
The General Plan lists Pruneridge Avenue as a minor arterial street to include future Class II bicycle facilities (i.e. bicycle lanes) along the entire roadway with the City. Historically, Pruneridge Avenue operated as a 4-lane facility with two lanes in each direction. In 2012, the City modified Pruneridge Avenue between the western city limit and Pomeroy Avenue to a 2-lane facility with one lane in each direction with bicycle lanes as discussed below.
Previously, City Council approved the 1999 County of Santa Clara San Tomas Aquino/Saratoga Creek Trail Master Plan, which was the guiding document to construct the trail and on-street bicycle lanes through Santa Clara along San Tomas Aquino Creek, Cabrillo Avenue, Calabazas Boulevard, Pomeroy Avenue, and Pruneridge Avenue. In 2008, the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (SCVTA) approved the Countywide Bicycle Plan to assist the SCVTA and member agencies (i.e. Santa Clara) in the planning, development, and programming of bicycle improvements in Santa Clara County. Pruneridge Avenue and West Hedding Street are listed within the Countywide Bicycle Plan as a cross county bicycle corridor.
Consistent with the Countywide Bicycle Plan, in 2009, the City received Transportation Fund for Clean Air and Transportation Development Act grants to study and implement bicycle facilities along Pruneridge Avenue from the western city limit with Cupertino to Pomeroy Avenue. This particular section of Pruneridge Avenue is 0.85 miles in length and was chosen due to the connection of Pruneridge Avenue and the creek trails planned for San Tomas Aquino Creek near Pomeroy Avenue. Additionally, with the completion of the City’s 2010 Bicycle Plan, Pruneridge Avenue was also designated as a City bicycle corridor. Public outreach meetings were held in 2010 to present roadway design options to include bicycle facilities on Pruneridge Avenue as the existing pavement width would require either removal of on-street parking or reallocating the roadway lanes to accommodate dedicated bicycle facilities. The City determined that removal of a travel lane in both directions of Pruneridge Avenue was the most appropriate means of installing bicycle facilities and moved forward with that option. Additionally, a two-way center turn lane was implemented to facilitate left turns in and out of resident driveways. The physical reconfiguration of Pruneridge Avenue started in August 2011 and was completed in January 2012.
After completion of the roadway improvements for Pruneridge Avenue, the City hired a consultant to conduct post project evaluations to provide data on the effects of the roadway project. The post studies conducted indicate that traffic volumes did not substantially change with the completion of the improvements. Although traffic queues in the morning and evening commute periods increased, travel speeds decreased overall and crashes decreased. The consultant did make recommendations on signing and striping changes to improve operations for the side streets. These recommendations were implemented by staff.
Follow-up public meetings were held in June 2016, August 2016 and January 2017 with community complaints of queueing, speeding, congestion, and unsafe driving behavior. Feedback from these meetings has resulted in minor additional roadway striping modifications in addition to the request for a traffic signal at Pruneridge Avenue and Cronin Drive.
As a result of the 2012 Pruneridge Avenue roadway reallocation, staff has been working on two capital improvement projects along the Pruneridge Avenue corridor. Additionally, there is continued community interest in the City studying the remainder of Pruneridge Avenue (Pomeroy Avenue to Winchester Boulevard) for potential inclusion of bicycle lanes.
Upcoming Budgeted Capital Improvement Projects on Pruneridge Avenue
Traffic Signal at Pruneridge Avenue and Cronin Drive
Based on community concerns, the City completed an analysis for the intersection of Pruneridge Avenue and Cronin Drive which indicated that the installation of a traffic signal is warranted based on collision and volume signal warrants. On January 10, 2017, the City Council approved a project to install a traffic signal at the intersection of Pruneridge Avenue and Cronin Drive and directed the City Manager to begin the design process. The project was advertised for public bid on June 20, 2018 and on August 21, 2018, the City Council awarded a construction contract to Tennyson Electric, Inc. to complete the installation of the traffic signal. It is anticipated that the installation of the traffic signal will be substantially complete in December 2018.
Bicycle Lane Improvements at Pruneridge Avenue at Lawrence Expressway
At the April 4, 2017 City Council Meeting, a resident, Bruce Donoghue, presented a written petition requesting that the City complete the gap in bicycle lanes on Pruneridge Avenue crossing Lawrence Expressway by removing a pinch point for vehicular traffic and bicyclists to improve safety. In addition, the resident requested that the City enhance the bicycle lane with a 2 foot buffer and add in an eastbound left turn lane onto Harvard Avenue. This section of Pruneridge Avenue was not previously widened and improved with the 2012 Pruneridge Avenue Road Reallocation project as the cost associated with widening the roadway, relocating utilities, removing trees, and purchasing of additional right of ways exceeded grant funding constraints. On July 11, 2017, staff presented a conceptual design to the City Council to complete these improvements. City Council approved the conceptual design and appropriated funding to complete the design, acquire right of way, and construct the improvements. A Request for Proposals was issued for design consultant services and the City contracted with CSG Consultants in August 2018 to complete the design plans. Staff has begun the process of acquiring the necessary property rights. It is anticipated that the design will be completed by mid-2019 with construction complete by the end of 2019 pending successful easement acquisition.
Future Unbudgeted Transportation Corridor Studies
During the fall of 2017, the City of San Jose constructed bicycle lanes on West Hedding Street from the Santa Clara eastern city limit into San Jose. This was accomplished by changing the street from a 4-lane facility to a 2-lane facility. These improvements are similar in design to the 2012 Pruneridge Avenue Roadway Reallocation. Upon completion of this improvement, renewed interest from the bicycling community was generated to complete the installation of bicycle lanes on the 2.2 mile segment of Pruneridge Avenue between Pomeroy Avenue to Winchester Boulevard. The City continues to receive feedback from stakeholders in favor of and against any future consideration of a roadway reconfiguration of Pruneridge Avenue to accommodate bicycle lanes. As there is currently no City funding allocated towards studying the installation of bicycle lanes along this portion of Pruneridge Avenue, staff will be applying in the spring of 2019 for regional grant funds, such as the Transportation Development Act, Bicycle Expenditure Program, Active Transportation Program, and Transportation Fund for Clean Air, to study this roadway for potential installation of bicycle lanes. Should the City be awarded grant funds in the fall of 2019, the study will include an analysis of current and projected traffic needs for the Pruneridge Avenue corridor in addition to the necessary community outreach to solicit community input. Subsequently, the study will be presented to City Council for consideration and comments. It is estimated that approximately $200,000 will be needed to complete the study and public outreach portion only. If the grant is not successful, there are no other current funding options for the study.
The action being considered does not constitute a “project” within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15378(b)(5) in that it is governmental organization or administrative activity that will not result in direct or indirect changes in the environment.
There is no additional cost to the City other than administrative staff time and expense. The Fiscal Year 2018-19 budgets for the two Capital Improvement Projects on Pruneridge Avenue are as listed below:
Fund 533 - Streets and Highways |
2018-19 Revised Budget |
Traffic Signal Installation - Pruneridge Ave/Cronin Dr. Intersection (CIP 533-1229) - Construction |
$693,716 |
Bicycle Lane Improvements on Pruneridge Avenue at Lawrence Expressway (CIP 533-1206) |
$447,855 |
This report has been coordinated with the City Attorney’s Office.
Public contact was made by posting the Council agenda on the City’s official-notice bulletin board outside City Hall Council Chambers. A complete agenda packet is available on the City’s website and in the City Clerk’s Office at least 72 hours prior to a Regular Meeting and 24 hours prior to a Special Meeting. A hard copy of any agenda report may be requested by contacting the City Clerk’s Office at (408) 615-2220, email <> or at the public information desk at any City of Santa Clara public library.
Note and file the update on the Pruneridge Avenue Corridor Improvements.
Reviewed by: Craig Mobeck, Director of Public Works
Approved by: Deanna J. Santana, City Manager
1. Location Map