Action on the Waiver of the First Reading and Introduction of an Ordinance Approving the Schematic Design for the Central Park Entrance, Accessibility, and Parking Improvements Project, in Accordance with City Charter Section 714.1
Deliver and Enhance High Quality Efficient Services and Infrastructure
Enhance Community Sports, Recreational, and Arts Assets
The City of Santa Clara’s Central Park (Park) was constructed in the 1960’s. In October 2019, the Parks & Recreation Commission (Commission) recommended approval of the Central Park Master Plan (Master Plan) which includes a series of major park improvements to address aging infrastructures and other community park needs identified through community input and facility condition assessments. One of the capital improvement projects identified in the Master Plan is the Central Park Entrance, Access, and Parking Improvements Project (Project). The Project consists of the installation of a new accessible entrance to Central Park at the intersection of Kaiser Drive and Kiely Boulevard, adjacent to the proposed Magical Bridge All-Inclusive Playground (Playground), currently in the design phase. The purpose of the proposed signalized entrance/exit is to (a) provide a new accessible drop-off & pick up area adjacent to the Playground, (b) provide recycled water connections and drought tolerant landscaping, (c) expand and add sustainable parking area, and (d) improve bike and pedestrian connectivity to park features such as the Playground, Community Recreation Center and Basketball Courts while preserving the Veterans’ Memorial and the adjacent grass meadow/event space. The Project will support and enhance several heavily used park amenities and future improvements as envisioned in the Central Park Master Plan.
On August 24, 2021, City Council approved an agreement with NUVIS Landscape Architecture, Inc. (NUVIS) to complete the first of two phases of Project design including site assessment, arborist report, ADA evaluation, community outreach, preparation of a schematic design for the proposed improvements, and presentation of the proposed plans to the community, Parks & Recreation Commission and City Council (Report #21-627). If the schematic design is approved, then the second design phase of the Project will commence and include preparation of bid documents (plans, specifications, and engineer’s estimate - PS&E) for Public Works bidding based on the approved schematic design, assistance with building and Fire Permits approval, and engineering support services during bid and award, construction, and post-construction phases (Report #22-1005).
NUVIS developed a draft schematic design for review and consideration by the Parks & Recreation Department, the Parks & Recreation Commission, stakeholders, and the community. Staff determined that the design meets the Council-adopted guiding principles of the Central Park Master Plan as well as the parking, accessibility, and connection objectives for the adjacent Playground. In addition, the design provides six Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations to meet SB 100 targets for renewable and zero-carbon resources. The design also provides for the installation of needed recycled water infrastructure that will help the City reduce reliance on potable water on the southwest parcel of Central Park resulting in ongoing cost savings.
Community Outreach & Input
On April 19, 2022, the Parks & Recreation Commission received a presentation about the Project and initiated the public input process. On May 5, 2022 an online survey was announced and opened to the public. On May 17, 2022, three separate outreach activities took place. The first was a stakeholder meeting with members of the Veteran’s Committee at the Central Park Veteran’s Memorial to review the initial schematic design and answer questions about preservation of the Memorial, movement of one monument closer to the Memorial, and the added parking spaces to serve the Playground and Memorial.
The second community outreach effort was a community meeting held on site from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Six members of the public reviewed the plans and staff responded to questions related to the pick-up/drop-off zone, safety and accessibility features, the traffic signal, trees/ landscaping to be preserved and/or added, the addition of 26 parking spaces with six (6) Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations, and the installation of new recycled water service for the meadow and the new Playground. One member of the public submitted written comments regarding funding to fix the Pavilion parking lot and other deficiencies in the existing park infrastructure. Staff informed the member of the public that this project does not address the Pavilion Parking Lot deficiencies, which would be addressed in future Central Park Master Plan projects.
The final outreach opportunity was a presentation to the Parks & Recreation Commission on the initial schematic design. This presentation was also an opportunity to remind the community about the importance of their participation in the online survey.
The community survey was hosted on the City website from May 5 through May 18, 2022. There were 409 attendees with 287 completed responses representing over 14.4 hours of public comment. The survey results were as follows:
• 74.4% indicated that the new traffic signal alignment and pedestrian pathways improve safe access into Central Park for vehicles and pedestrians
• 79% indicated that the plan provides inclusive and safe access to the Magical Bridge Playground
• 81% indicated that the plan provides inclusive and safe access to the Veterans Memorial
• 66% agreed that the plan provides adequate trees and shading and
• 39% favor EV charging stations
Respondents stated that they access Central Park primarily by driving (60%), while fewer walk (26%), bike (11%), take public transit (2%), or rideshare (1%). The survey was completed primarily by persons over age 35 (28.4% ages 35-49; 24.1% ages 50-60; and 42.2% age 61 and over). Most respondents live in the 95051 (59.9%), while 28.9% live in 95050, 5.6% live in 95054, and 5.6% non-resident.
At the June 21, 2022 Commission Meeting, the Consultant provided the Commission with a detailed presentation of the Project and community input (Report #22-793). The Commission recommended that Council approve the proposed Schematic Design for the Central Park Entrance, Accessibility, and Parking Improvements Project (Attachment 1), and the Measure R Draft Ordinance (Attachment 2).
Measure R Compliance
The approval of the proposed Schematic Design for the Central Park Entrance, Accessibility, and Parking Improvements Project may be subject to Measure R. In November 2016, voters passed Measure R, which added Section 714.1 Protection of Parkland and Public Open Space to the City Charter. Measure R prohibits selling, leasing, or otherwise disposing of parkland for a period of one hundred eighty (180) days or more, and prohibits its use from changing, being abandoned, or discontinued without such sale, lease, disposal, or changed use having first been authorized or ratified by a two-thirds majority vote of the electorate during a general municipal election for that purpose. Measure R also prohibits changes in park use for over 180 days without a majority vote of the electorate and substantial building, construction, reconstruction, or development upon dedicated parkland except pursuant to ordinance subject to referendum. The referendum process is set forth in the Elections Code.
The proposed Schematic Design for the Central Park Entrance, Accessibility, and Parking Improvements Project, if approved, will include changes to the existing park that may be considered “substantial building, construction, reconstruction, or development.” Therefore, the approval of the proposed Schematic Design for the Central Park Entrance, Accessibility, and Parking Improvements Project, will require an ordinance to comply with Measure R. It does not include a sale, lease, disposal, or change in use requiring a majority vote of the electorate. Therefore, staff recommends that the Council approve the proposed Schematic Design for the Central Park Entrance, Accessibility, and Parking Improvements Project and introduce an ordinance to ensure compliance with Measure R. Staff return to Council at a second meeting for adoption of the ordinance in accordance with City Charter Sections 808 and 812.
The action being considered is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) pursuant to the following sections of the CEQA Guidelines:
• Section 15303 (Class 3 - New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures), in that the project will construct limited numbers of new, small facilities or structures and equipment. The proposal would expand the existing parking lot area by adding 26 new parking spaces to 140 existing spaces already on site. A later phase of Central Park’s Master Plan would remove a similar number of parking spaces. The Project includes installation of electrical conduit and cabling for Electric Vehicle Charging stations and entrance and exit drive aisles and reclaimed water for new and existing irrigation systems.
• Section 15304 (Class 4 - Minor Alterations to Land), and 15304(b) (Class 4(b) - replacement of existing landscaping with water efficient landscaping), in that the project would make minor alterations in the condition of land, water and/or vegetation which do not involve the removal of healthy, mature scenic trees, and would include the replacement of existing conventional landscaping with water efficient landscaping. The proposal would remove entry trees that have structural issues and present safety concerns, and replace them with drought-tolerant species, as well as minor trenching and backfilling for utilities that serve this area of the park.
• Section 15311 (Class 11 - Accessory Structures), in that the project would construct or replace minor structures accessory to existing commercial, industrial, or institutional facilities (including publicly owned parks). The project would install (a) on-premises signs and (b) a small parking lot to connect with the adjacent All-Inclusive Playground and park pathways to meet ADA, code and program requirements.
• Section 15269(c), actions taken to prevent or mitigate an emergency. Several of the trees onsite are in a compromised structural condition, and numerous limbs have already fallen from those trees. The immediate removal of the trees is necessary for public health, safety, and welfare.
The schematic design under consideration is funded by the Central Park Master Plan - New Entrance, Access, and Parking Improvements Project in the Parks Capital Fund. This project has a total budget of $2,518,448, of which the Schematic Design and PS&E agreement(s) are not to exceed $404,000. Construction of the Schematic Design (Attachment 1) project elements are currently estimated at $2,310,000. Additional budget actions may be necessary based on the final construction award.
Central Park maintenance and operations activities are included in the Parks & Recreation Department’s Operating Budget.
This report has been coordinated with the Parks & Recreation Department, the Public Works Department, the Finance Department, and the City Attorney’s Office.
Public contact was made by posting the Council agenda on the City’s official-notice bulletin board outside City Hall Council Chambers. A complete agenda packet is available on the City’s website and in the City Clerk’s Office at least 72 hours prior to a Regular Meeting and 24 hours prior to a Special Meeting. A hard copy of any agenda report may be requested by contacting the City Clerk’s Office at (408) 615-2220, email <> or at the public information desk at any City of Santa Clara public library.
Waive first reading and introduce an ordinance approving the Schematic Design for the Central Park Entrance, Accessibility, and Parking Improvements Project in accordance with City Charter Section 714.
Reviewed by: James Teixeira, Director of Parks & Recreation
Approved by: Rajeev Batra, City Manager
1. Schematic Design for the Central Park Entrance, Accessibility, and Parking Improvements Project
2. Measure R Draft Ordinance
3. Schematic Design Presentation