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Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 25-1237    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Public Hearing/General Business Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 12/9/2024 In control: Council and Authorities Concurrent Meeting
On agenda: 1/28/2025 Final action:
Title: Action on Award of Purchase Order to Braun Northwest for a Mobile Incident Command Vehicle and Approval of Related Budget Amendments




Action on Award of Purchase Order to Braun Northwest for a Mobile Incident Command Vehicle and Approval of Related Budget Amendments




Deliver and Enhance High Quality Efficient Services and Infrastructure



The Santa Clara Police Department (SCPD) has a variety of equipment, vehicles, and personnel to deploy for both planned activities that require heightened security (e.g., events at Levi’s Stadium, large-scale community events, etc.) and unplanned events (e.g., major accidents, mental health emergencies, barricaded suspects, hostage situations, terrorist threats, natural disasters, etc.)


To effectively respond to these events, SCPD deploys vehicles for specific needs, including the Mobile Incident Command Vehicle (MIC), Crisis Negotiation Team Vehicle (CNT), Armored Rescue Vehicle (ARV), and Crime Scene Investigation Team Vehicle (CSI). Each vehicle is uniquely equipped to support its designated function, carrying critical specialized equipment and supplies.


This report focuses on two vehicles critical to SCPD’s operations, as shown in the photo below. The MIC (Vehicle #2565) is on the left, and the CNT (Vehicle #1808) is on the right.



Both vehicles have exceeded their intended lifespans, and one vehicle was originally designed for a purpose unrelated to law enforcement. The MIC has been in service for over 23 years and has exceeded the average lifespan of 20 years. As a result, the Police Department is seeking to replace the MIC with an updated vehicle. The CNT was acquired under unique circumstances, and no dedicated funding exists to support its replacement.  An alternative vehicle has been identified to replace the CNT.

Recognizing the need for modernized resources, SCPD has initiated a transition to two new vehicles:


1.                     Special Response Team Van (SRTV):  A Ford E450 was purchased in March 2024 for $88,492, utilizing COP 22 grant funds. The SRTV is strictly intended to store and transport specialized equipment for critical incidents and replaces the aging CNT (Vehicle #1808).

2.                     New Mobile Incident Command Vehicle (MIC):  SCPD proposes replacing the outdated MIC (Vehicle #2565) with a modern Mobile Incident Command Vehicle. It will be utilized by the Special Response Team (which is comprised of the Special Weapons and Tactics Team and the Crisis Negotiation Team) as a mobile command center. It will provide high visibility on-scene command and control functions, leveraging satellite and internet access, interoperable radios, video capabilities, and data processing tools to enhance situational awareness and decision-making.


Replacing these vehicles aligns with SCPD’s goal of supporting emergency response capabilities, particularly in preparation for major upcoming events, including Super Bowl LX and the six Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) World Cup 2026 events. 


The City’s Fleet Management Division supports this request to retire vehicles #2565 and #1808 and replace them with cleaner, purpose-built vehicles with manufacturer support. These replacements will not increase the City’s overall fleet size.



The recommendation to purchase a replacement MIC is made pursuant to City Code Section 2.105.270(c) which states that the City may, without observing formal bidding requirements, contract with a vendor under a contract awarded using preestablished cooperative purchasing agreements, when such agreement resulted from a competitive bid process that meets or exceeds the City’s competitive bid process.


Staff is recommending purchasing the replacement MIC from Braun Northwest under the Houston-Galveston Area Council of Governments (H-GAC) cooperative purchasing agreement. H-GAC is a government agency that provides a cooperative purchasing program as part of its service to other government agencies. In June 2023, H-GAC conducted a Request for Proposals (RFP) for ambulances, EMS vehicles, and special service vehicles. Through this RFP process, multiple vendors were awarded a contract including Braun Northwest.


Staff has reviewed the pricing and determined that Braun Northwest’s price is fair and reasonable. In addition, Braun Northwest will be able to deliver the MIC within the delivery time required by the Police Department once the City issues the purchase order.

The specifications of the replacement MIC qualify it as “Military Equipment” under the provisions of Assembly Bill 481 (AB 481). Since the acquisition of the MIC is not identified in prior AB 481 Annual Reports and the anticipated delivery timeline is 10-12 months, the acquisition will be incorporated into the next AB 481 Annual Report, which will be presented to the public and the City Council in Spring 2025 in accordance with Government Code Section 7072(a)(6). 


Staff is requesting authorization to issue a purchase order to Braun Northwest for the replacement MIC based on project scope and resource needs totaling an estimated $586,213, with a 10% contingency of $58,621, for a not-to-exceed amount of $644,834.



The action being considered does not constitute a “project” within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15378(b)(5) in that it is a governmental organizational or administrative activity that will not result in direct or indirect changes in the environment.



The MIC replacement cost is estimated at $586,213, and with a 10% contingency of $58,621, the total not-to-exceed cost is $644,834. This vehicle is proposed to be funded by a variety of funding sources including COP 21 ($45,000) and COP 22 ($110,000) funding in the Police Operating Grant Trust Fund. Additionally, the Vehicle Replacement Fund has available replacement funding of $292,917. To fund the final portion of this project, staff recommends transferring available funding from the Police Department’s General Fund operating budget ($196,917) to the Vehicle Replacement Fund. The related budget actions are detailed in the budget amendment table below.


Budget Amendment

FY 2024/25




Increase/ (Decrease)


General Fund








Police Department








Transfers To




Vehicle Replacement Fund








Vehicle Replacement Fund




Transfers From




General Fund












Capital Outlay








Fund Balance




Unrestricted Ending Fund Balance




Measure J Compliance

The Stadium Authority will be charged a daily rental rate for the use of this MIC vehicle at stadium events. Similarly, the cost of having this vehicle available for the 2026 major events (in the form of a rental fee) is currently under negotiation with the Bay Area Host Committee.



This report was coordinated with the Finance, Public Works (Fleet Division) and City Attorney’s Office.



Public contact was made by posting the Council agenda on the City’s official-notice bulletin board outside City Hall Council Chambers. A complete agenda packet is available on the City’s website and in the City Clerk’s Office at least 72 hours prior to a Regular Meeting and 24 hours prior to a Special Meeting. A hard copy of any agenda report may be requested by contacting the City Clerk’s Office at (408) 615-2220, email <> or at the public information desk at any City of Santa Clara public library.




1.                     Authorize the City Manager or designee to execute a purchase order with Braun Northwest, through the H-GAC cooperative purchase agreement, for the purchase of a Mobile Incident Command vehicle based on project scope and resource needs of totaling an estimated $586,213 inclusive of taxes and applicable fees, in a final form approved by the City Attorney;

2.                     Authorize the City Manager or designee to execute change orders for a not-to-exceed contingency amount of $58,621 (10% of total) for a not -to-exceed amount of $644,834 to cover unanticipated costs such as minor configuration changes, subject to the appropriation of funds and in a final form approved by the City Attorney; and

3.                     Approve the following FY 2024/25 budget amendments:

a.                     In the General Fund, decrease the Police Department operating budget in the amount of $196,917 and establish a transfer to the Vehicle Replacement Fund in the amount of $196,917 (majority affirmative Council votes required); and

b.                     In the Vehicle Replacement Fund, recognize the transfer from the General Fund in the amount of $196,917, increase the Capital Outlay appropriation in the amount of $489,834, and decrease the unrestricted ending fund balance in the amount of $292,917 (five affirmative Council votes required to recognize additional revenue and for the use of unused balances).



Reviewed by: Cory Morgan, Police Chief

Approved by: Jovan Grogan, City Manager