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Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 24-1263    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Public Hearing/General Business Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 12/18/2024 In control: Senior Advisory Commission
On agenda: 1/13/2025 Final action:
Title: Discussion and Review of Subcommittee Updates on the Status of FY2024/25 Senior Advisory Commission Work Plan & Goals
Attachments: 1. Senior Advisory Commission FY2024/25 Work Plan & Goals Matrix
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Discussion and Review of Subcommittee Updates on the Status of FY2024/25 Senior Advisory Commission Work Plan & Goals




Enhance Community Engagement and Transparency

Enhance Community Sports, Recreational and Arts Assets



The Senior Advisory Commission adopted the following FY 2024/25 Work Plan & Goals at the November 18, 2024 meeting in alignment with the eight (8) age-friendly domains of: 1) Economics and Employment; 2) Community; 3) Housing; 4) Outdoor Spaces and Buildings; 5)Transportation and Streets; 6) Health, Wellness, and Nutrition; 7) Social and Civic Engagement; and 8) Access to Community Resources and Information.


1.                     Advocate for Affordable and Convenient Housing

a.                     Educate the Older Adult Community on current low-income and affordable housing projects in Santa Clara

i.                     Provide educational presentations by the Housing and Community Services Department at Senior Center.

b.                     Provide input to developers of Older Adult housing projects in the City of Santa Clara.

i.                     Attend Community workshops related to new Senior Housing developments in Santa Clara.

2.                     Encourage and Promote the use of Outdoor Spaces and Buildings

a.                     Work with the Parks & Recreation Department to promote the development of dedicated pickleball courts in Santa Clara.

i.                     Meet with City staff monthly for updates.

b.                     Work with the Parks & Recreation Department to support and advocate for the Lawn Bowl facility and Club at Central Park.

i.                     Meet with City staff monthly for updates.

c.                     Advocate for outdoor spaces and activities for older adults.

i.                     Attend community meetings related to new or rehabilitated park projects in Santa Clara.

3.                     Advocate for Affordable, Convenient, and Safe Transportation and Streets

a.                     Promote new projects related to the older adult community on transportation resources in Santa Clara.

i.                     Attend community meetings related to transportation and streets improvement projects in Santa Clara.

b.                     Review and provide feedback to the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plans for potential access improvements and provisions for general safety and develop strategies to address excessive speeding on bike paths.

i.                     Send representative(s) to attend Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee meeting(s).

4.                     Develop Opportunities to Promote Health, Wellness, and Nutrition

a.                     Assist in implementation of Senior Needs Assessment survey and outreach plan.

b.                     Advocate for Age-Friendly accessibility in the built environment in Santa Clara.

i.                     Attend Community Meetings related to ADA updates within Santa Clara.


Enclosed as Attachment 1 is a copy of the Senior Advisory Commission FY 2024/25 Work Plan & Goals Updated Matrix for January 2025.



At the January 13, 2025 meeting, each Subcommittee will provide an update on the efforts and progress made towards accomplishing the FY 2024/25 Work Plan & Goals. The Subcommittees will verbally present their status reports as follows:


Goal 1.a. Provide update on low-income housing project educational presentation at Senior Center.

Goal 1.b. Report out on latest Community Meeting related to Senior Housing developments in Santa Clara.


Goal 2.a. Report out on last meeting with City staff regarding pickleball updates.

Goal 2.b. Report out on last meeting with City staff regarding Lawn Bowl.

Goal 2.c. Report out on latest Community Meeting related to outdoor activities for older adults.


Goal 3.a. Report out on latest Community Meeting related to transportation and street improvement projects, and; provide update on transportation resources presentation at the Senior Center.

Goal 3.b. Report out on the Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee meeting.


Goal 4.a. Provide update on the implementation of Senior Needs Assessment survey and outreach plan.

Goal 4.b. Report out on latest Community meetings related to Age-Friendly accessibility in the build environment in Santa Clara.


In accordance with the Brown Act, Commissioner assignments to serve on Subcommittees to work on the goals and objectives may also be made, with the stipulation that subcommittees must have less than a quorum (no more than three (3) of the Commission assigned to each subcommittee.


If any of the subcommittee progress status reports require action, that action will be placed on a future agenda for consideration.



The action being considered does not constitute a “project” within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15378(b)(5) in that it is a governmental organizational or administrative activity that will not result in direct or indirect changes in the environment.



Public contact was made by posting the Senior Advisory Commission’s agenda on the City’s official-notice bulletin board outside City Hall Council Chambers. A complete agenda packet is available on the City’s website and in the City Clerk’s Office at least 72 hours prior to a Regular Meeting and 24 hours prior to a Special Meeting. A hard copy of any agenda report may be requested by contacting the City Clerk’s Office at (408) 615-2220, email <>.



Reviewed by: Jennifer Herb, Recreation Supervisor

Reviewed by: Kimberly Castro, Recreation Manager

Approved by: Damon Sparacino, Director of Parks & Recreation