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Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 21-281    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Public Hearing/General Business Status: Passed
File created: 2/9/2021 In control: Parks & Recreation Commission
On agenda: 2/16/2021 Final action: 2/16/2021
Title: Report on an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Water Quality Improvement Fund Grant Award and Receive Public Input on Bowers Park Parking Lot Improvement Project
Attachments: 1. Award Letter, 2. Bowers Park Parking Lot GSI Concept Drawing, 3. POST MEETING MATERIAL




Report on an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Water Quality Improvement Fund Grant Award and Receive Public Input on Bowers Park Parking Lot Improvement Project




On August 20, 2019, Council approved the City of Santa Clara’s Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) Plan. The Plan requires construction and retrofit of low impact development (LID) measures in storm drain infrastructure on public and private lands, including streets, storm drains, parking lots, and building roofs among others. GSI refers to sustainable storm drain infrastructure that reduces runoff volumes, disperses runoff to vegetated areas, promotes water adsorption into the ground, and treats runoff before it reaches the creeks and Bay. Examples of these facilities include pervious pavement, infiltration basins, bioretention facilities (or raingardens) and green roofs.

City-owned surface parking lots provide an excellent opportunity to install multi-benefit GSI retrofit facilities to enhance environmental sustainability. Parking lots contain large impervious surfaces that generate runoff containing pollutants from vehicles and waste from surrounding areas, such as trash, sediment, metals, PCBs and microplastics. While parking lot and street runoff typically contain similar types and concentrations of pollutants, parking lots are easier than streets to retrofit with GSI due fewer underground utilities crossing the parking lots. Parking lots also offer opportunities to add tree canopy, bike parking, energy-efficient lighting, ADA upgrades, improved pedestrian circulation, and other facilities to achieve environmental and community benefits beyond water quality improvement and control of local flooding. Currently, there is no allocated City funding to construct GSI and limited funding available to re-pave City-owned parking lots.

In April 2020, the City’s Department of Public Works (DPW) partnered with the City of Palo Alto to submit an application and proposal titled “Sustainable Green Parking Lots” for a San Francisco Bay Water Quality Improvement Fund (SFBWQIF) grant through the United States EPA Region 9 to demonstrate the effectiveness of parking lot retrofits with GSI.


The EPA awarded an approximately $1.2M multi-City grant for the collaborative Sustainable Green Parking Lots Program proposal for which Palo Alto serves as the lead agency (Attachment 1). The City of Santa Clara will receive $373,392 to retrofit the Bowers Park parking lot with GSI measures and other facilities that contribute sustainable benefits (i.e. ADA upgrades, interpretive signage, bike parking, energy-efficient lighting, pedestrian circulation and aesthetic improvements) (Attachment 2). Water quality monitoring will be conducted to assess water quality outcomes. The City will be required to contribute a 50 percent match that will consist of a combination of CIP allocated project funds, Quimby fees and in-kind staff time.

The Bowers Park Parking Lot GSI Improvement Project (Project) is located on Cabrillo Avenue in the Saratoga Creek sub-watershed of the San Tomas Aquino Creek watershed. It is located within proximity to the Santa Clara Youth Activity Center and Teen Center, Bowers Elementary and Cabrillo Middle schools. These schools have been identified as generating moderate levels of trash. The existing lot contains 15 parking stalls and has one narrow entrance on Cabrillo Avenue.

The grant Project provides a unique opportunity for the City to reassess the Bowers Park parking lot and incorporate improvements identified in the Parks & Recreation Facility Condition Assessment Report (Kitchell, 2018). The existing parking lot, built in the 1950’s, does not address issues including:

                     Water Quality/drainage/GSI

                     Parking demand and efficient vehicle circulation

                     Pedestrian circulation, including adjacent pedestrian crosswalk

                     Width of driveway aisle for emergency vehicle access

                     Energy-efficient lighting

                     Wayfinding and interpretive signage

                     ADA upgrades

                     Bike parking

The grant requires that Bowers Park parking lot improvement project be completed within four years. A design consultant be selected to prepare a project design. Staff will coordinate with Palo Alto on the RFP to construct the project.

At the February 16, 2021 Regular Meeting, the Commission will discuss the opportunities and constraints for the Bowers Park Parking Lot Improvement Project, take public comment, and then make recommendations for project and staff consideration.


The project being considered is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15302 (c), Replacement or Reconstruction, because the proposal consists of the replacement or reconstruction of existing utility systems and/or facilities involving negligible or no expansion of capacity.



The City of Santa Clara will receive $373,392 in grant funds that requires a 50% match, which can consist of non-federal funds and in-kind match. Matching funds in the approximate not to exceed amount of $140,000 are anticipated to be provided from available CIP Project funds (Project No. 538-6123) Public Building Parking Lot Improvements, as well as unallocated Quimby Act Fees due in-lieu of parkland dedication, and in-kind value of staff time to manage the project.


This project involves internal coordination among the Public Works Department, Community Development Department, Parks & Recreation Department, and City Attorney’s Office. This project involves external coordination with the City of Palo Alto, Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program (SCVURPPP), Grassroot Ecology and, San Francisco Estuary Institute.



Public contact was made by posting the Parks & Recreation Commission agenda on the City’s official-notice bulletin board outside City Hall Council Chambers. A complete agenda packet is available on the City’s website and in the City Clerk’s Office at least 72 hours prior to a Regular Meeting and 24 hours prior to a Special Meeting. A hard copy of any agenda report may be requested by contacting the City Clerk’s Office at (408) 615-2220, email <> or at the public information desk at any City of Santa Clara public library.




Receive verbal report on the EPA San Francisco Bay Water Quality Improvement Fund grant award and provide input on the Bowers Park parking lot improvement project.


Prepared by: Rinta Perkins, Compliance Division Manager, Public Works Department

Reviewed by: Dale Seale, Deputy Director of Parks & Recreation

Approved by: James Teixeira, Director, Parks & Recreation



1.  Award Letter                     

2.  Bowers Park Parking Lot GSI Concept Drawing