Consideration of Rezoning and Variance for 1141 Main Street
The applicant is requesting to rezone the property at 1141 Main Street (PLN2017-12945) from Downtown Commercial (CD) to Single Family Residential (R1-6L) to be consistent with the existing residential use of the property. The applicant is also requesting approval of a Variance to allow an expansion of a 2-story garage and new accessory dwelling unit (ADU) use on the project site. The property, currently developed with a historic single family detached residence, is located on the east side of Main Street between Fremont Street and Benton Street. Under the current CD zoning, an ADU is not permitted. Per the zoning code, ADUs are only permitted on R1-6L and R1-8L (Single Family Zoning District) properties.
The existing main residence is a 2-story vernacular Queen Anne/Shingle Style design constructed circa 1893. The property is listed on the City's Historic Resources Inventory (HRI) and was granted a Mills Act agreement by the City Council in 2011. A detached 2-story carriage house is located to the rear of the property consisting of a garage and an attached storage shed. The owner wishes to utilize this structure and make additional modifications to create a new garage and an ADU.
The request would rezone the 7,500 square foot lot from Downtown Commercial (CD) to Single Family Zoning district (R1-6L). The project proposes the demolition and reconstruction of a 300 square foot existing storage shed attached to the rear of the existing carriage house, and relocation, conversion and expansion of the existing nonconforming 606 square foot 2-story carriage house utilizing a 563 square foot garage as part of a new 908 square foot 2-story accessory dwelling unit (ADU) with a 519 square foot 2-car garage. The relocation of the carriage house, adding a new foundation, would bring it into compliance with the side (5 feet) and rear (5 fe...
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