Update on the VTA's Santa Clara Bart Station Community Working Group
The Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) established three Community Working Groups (CWGs) for VTA's BART Silicon Valley Phase II extension project. Attachment 1, from VTA's website, explains the role of the CWG as part of the BART process. Additional information on CWGs can also be found at the following VTA link:
After first being convened in the late 1990s and early 2000s, the Santa Clara Station BART Working Group began meeting again in 2015. This group has members from both the City of Santa Clara and the City of San Jose since the station area is near the border of both cities. Membership on these groups is a mix of business and residential representatives. The CWG is advisory only, and the group does not vote on recommendations and is not a decision-making body.
VTA is currently open to consideration of new members on the CWG's, including the Santa Clara Station CWG. In order to be considered for the role, applicants would be required to meet the following VTA criteria:
* No more than one seat per organization across all CWGs.
* Nominee must live or work within 1/2 mile from the alignment/Represent a group or organization focused specifically on issues within the 1/2 mile
* Nominee must not be an elected official or working directly for an elected official representing San Jose, Santa Clara or Santa Clara County
* Nominee must not have conflict of interests in relation to the project in the following categories:
o Property
o VTA current or potential vendors/consultants/contractors
Additional considerations are a willingness to serve and make the time for the meetings which are held on Thursdays from 4:00-6:00 p.m. VTA has also received nominations from the current Santa Clara Station CWG members.
Attachment 2 includes current CWG members and CWG nominees. VTA staff will bring f...
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