Action on Time Extension of Variance to Building Height and Architectural Review Approvals for the Office Project at 3625 Peterson Way
Applicant: Aaron Fenton
Owner: Boston Properties
General Plan: Low Intensity Office Research and Development
Zoning: Light Industrial (ML)
Site Area: 14.51 acres (632,216 square feet)
Existing Site Conditions: The property is developed with a 218,375 square foot two-story office building surrounded by a surface parking lot with 841 parking spaces and site landscaping. The office building and site improvements were constructed in 1980. The existing site has a Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 0.31.
Surrounding Land Uses:
* North: Hotel and office development
* South: Tannery Way and office development
* East: Office development
* West: Peterson Way and office development
Issues: Consistency with the City's General Plan and Zoning Ordinance
Staff Recommendation: Approve the Time Extension of a Variance for Building Height and Architectural Review Approvals for development of an office campus at 3625 Peterson Way.
On May 2, 2022, Aaron Fenton representing Boston Properties filed an application (File No. PLN22-00223) to extend the Variance and Architectural approvals granted for the 3625 Peterson Way Office Project in July and September of 2020. The approvals allow for the construction of two eight-story office buildings totaling 676,310 square feet; a 13,270 square foot one-story amenity building attached to a four-level parking garage; and surface parking, site landscaping and private right-of-way improvements. The approved project (File No. PLN2018-13144) provides a total of 2,281 parking spaces having universal stall dimensions (8'6" x 18"0) and includes above-grade pedestrian walkways to link the two office buildings as an option for construction by the Developer.
The Variance was reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission at a publicl...
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