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Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 18-894    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Consent Calendar Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 6/19/2018 In control: Council and Authorities Concurrent Meeting
On agenda: 6/26/2018 Final action:
Title: Consideration to Approve an Agreement (Call No. 18-1) with Essense Partners, Inc. to Provide Electric Utility Advertising, Marketing, Printing and Communication Services for Silicon Valley Power
Indexes: CC
Attachments: 1. Essense Call No. 18-1
Consideration to Approve an Agreement (Call No. 18-1) with Essense Partners, Inc. to Provide Electric Utility Advertising, Marketing, Printing and Communication Services for Silicon Valley Power

Independent survey results indicate that customers rank the City's Electric Utility, doing business as Silicon Valley Power (SVP), at or near the top of all California utilities. Satisfaction surveys also show that customers are looking for SVP to increase and enhance communication and information via methods accessible on mobile devices.
Maintaining high customer satisfaction, trust and value requires constant effort to provide information and to create regular opportunities for customer engagement. The challenge of meeting our increasingly difficult energy efficiency goals requires competing for customers' attention to raise awareness. To address our communication needs in a changing marketplace, SVP requires specific marketing support that will emphasize new communication approaches in social media and digital messaging, produce crisp and tailored messaging, and deliver a focused sustained effort that proactively leverages available media outlets.

In October 2016, SVP issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Marketing & Communications Services focused on the electric industry including the assignment of full responsibility for 3rd party printing costs. Essense Partners Inc. (Essense) was selected in this RFP process for its creative design and its extensive work researching utility trends and expertise in developing outreach materials and news articles. On May 9, 2017, the City Council approved a three year Call Agreement and Call No. 17-1. Under Call No. 17-1, Essense Partners, Inc. undertook a utility centric brand audit and developed a new style guide and updated brand strategy for SVP, as well as began development of new program materials.

At the June 12, 2018 City Council Meeting, the Council continued ...

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