Action on Conditional Use Permit to Install Four Additional Emergency Generators at the McLaren Data Center Located at 737 Mathew
File No.: PLN23-00308
Project: Use Permit to install four additional emergency generators at an existing data center site.
Applicant: Vantage Data Centers
Owner: Vantage Data Centers
General Plan: Heavy Industrial
Zoning: Heavy Industrial (MH)
Site Area: 8.97 acres
Existing Site Conditions: The project site is built with three data center buildings (Buildings CA21, CA22, and CA23), a paved surface parking lot, and a Silicon Valley Power (SVP) substation.
Surrounding Land Uses
North: Industrial uses
East: Industrial uses
South: Industrial uses
West: Industrial uses
Issues: Consistency with the City's General Plan and Zoning Ordinance
Staff Recommendation: Adopt a resolution approving the Use Permit to install four additional emergency generators and the addendum to the 2018 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration, subject to findings and conditions of approval.
On June 16, 2023, Jennifer Renk, attorney for Applicant Vantage Data Centers, filed an application requesting a Use Permit (File No. PLN23-00308) to install four additional emergency generators at the McLaren Data Center site.
The subject site is zoned Heavy Industrial (MH) and the General Plan land use designation is Heavy Industrial. The McLaren Data Center, also known as the Vantage Data Center facility, was approved at the February 6, 2019 Architectural Committee meeting. The previously approved project included demolition of the existing industrial warehouse, manufacturing, and office facilities, as well as associated surface parking to construct three data center buildings (Buildings CA21, CA22, and CA23), a paved surface parking lot, a total of 50 emergency generators and a Silicon Valley Power (SVP) substation.
As part of the discretionary approval, consistent with the Califor...
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