Discussion and direction on the possible relocation of Santa Clara County Courthouse located at 1095 Homestead Road, Santa Clara CA 95050 (APN 269-22-94) including authorizing discussions with the State of California Judicial Council [Council Pillar: Enhance Community Engagement and Transparency]
On August 18, 2020, a written petition was submitted by Mr. Dan Ondrasek requesting to initiate the relocation of the County of Santa Clara Courthouse (1095 Homestead Road). At that meeting, the Council engaged in discussion and unanimously approved the following motion:
Direct staff to draft/send a letter to State of California regarding relocation of the Courthouse and provide an informational update memo to Council.
On August 25, 2020 under the Public Presentation section of the Council agenda, Mr. Bob O'Keefe requested that the Council schedule a future discussion regarding entering into negotiations for the relocation of the courthouse relocation. Upon the Public Presentation request, the Council unanimously approved the following motion:
Place the Courthouse Relocation on the September 1, 2020 Council meeting agenda for discussion.
At the meeting staff will be providing an update on the Downtown Specific Plan accomplishments and current activities including:
* Actions on the Downtown street grid street system;
* Funding commitments for the Downtown consultant contract; and,
* Creation of a downtown Task Force and recent Task Force activities.
Staff will also provide a summary of the City's request of the Judicial Council to respond to the City's interest of the relocation of the Santa Clara County Courthouse. For the purpose of transparency, a proposed draft letter dated September 2, 2020 is included in this City Council agenda packet for the public to be aware in advance of the intended letter to be sent to the State of California (Attachment 1). In the letter, the City inquires whether t...
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