Discussion and Direction to the City Manager on an Agreement for Convention and Visitor Services with Santa Clara Chamber of Commerce for Convention-Visitors Bureau (CVB) or Other Provider
At the May 22, 2018, staff requested direction from Council on the management fee to the Santa Clara Chamber of Commerce & Convention-Visitors Bureau for the management of the Santa Clara Convention Center. After a detailed staff presentation and Council discussion, Council approved a motion to:
Direct the City Manager and City Attorney to begin a process of exploring a term sheet for a new agreement with the Chamber of Commerce for their management of the Convention Center; begin the process to execute a financial and performance audit of the Chamber; and that the management fee be suspended until such time that we can enter into a new agreement.
There are two agreements with the Santa Clara Chamber of Commerce: 1) a management agreement for the operation of the Santa Clara Convention Center and 2) an agreement to provide convention and visitor services promoting tourism in the City of Santa Clara and to market the Santa Clara Convention Center (CVB Agreement).
For FY17/18, a total not to exceed amount of $1,461,601 for a convention and visitor services agreement with the Chamber (CVB Agreement) expires on June 30, 2018. Staff is seeking Council direction on the convention and visitor services commencing July 1, 2018.
It should be noted early in this report, that given the referenced delays, there is no way to administratively process a new one-year agreement between June 26 and June 30, for a successful contract start date on July 1, 2018. As such, there will be a lapse of service regardless of what Council action is taken on this matter, and I do not recommend that the City Council authorize continuation of services absent a contract agreement. Further, delays have impacted the City's ability to assess the status of ...
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