Action on an Agreement for Bacteriological Laboratory Services with AEMTEK, Inc. [Council Pillar: Deliver and Enhance High Quality Efficient Services and Infrastructure]
The City of Santa Clara (City) owns and operates a drinking water distribution system consisting of seven water storage tanks, three imported water connections, 21 active groundwater wells, and 34 dedicated water quality sampling stations (monitored weekly). The City provides drinking water to a residential population of approximately 130,000 as well as commercial, institutional, and industrial customers within City limits. The City also provides recycled water service throughout a large portion of the City for approved non-potable uses.
To ensure the quality and safety of the City's drinking water sources, and to remain in compliance with the California Code of Regulations, (Title 22, Chapter 15) the City is required to sample and test its water sources on a regular, routine schedule for a multitude of constituents. Additionally, non-routine/emergency samples are to be taken as necessary.
The City issued a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ# WA-WS 1) via BidSync, the City's e-procurement system, to procure the services of a qualified, State-certified laboratory to conduct primarily bacteriological water quality testing for the City. Additional analyses from non-routine sample collections related to potable water, recycled water, storm water, and wastewater are also covered in this Agreement.
Four (4) submittals were received. The submittals were reviewed and ranked by an evaluation team consisting of Water and Sewer Utilities staff: Assistant Director of Water and Sewer Utilities, Compliance Manager, and Water Resource Planner. In the 1st evaluation phase, the submittals were evaluated based on the firm's qualifications and relevant experience, project approach, schedule, and cost. Evaluation scores for the submittals received ar...
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