Consideration of the Countywide Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program Agreement
City Council originally authorized the subject agreement in 2002 and has renewed it upon expiration of each agreement since. This three-year agreement authorizes the Countywide Household Hazardous Waste Program (CoHHWP) to provide household hazardous waste (HHW) services to an estimated 3,861 households, collect abandoned hazardous waste during the Clean-up Campaign, and service the hazmat sheds in the Public Works Corporation Yard in fiscal year 2018/19. The CoHHWP provides residents several opportunities to properly dispose of hazardous waste. Multiple convenient disposal opportunities reduce the potential for improper disposal and illegal dumping of hazardous waste. Santa Clara residents are able to use any of the CoHHWP scheduled drop-off events to properly dispose of their hazardous waste. The CoHHWP has scheduled two collection events at the City's Public Works Corporation Yard in fiscal year 2018/19. The event dates are September 29, 2018 and April 27, 2019.
All participating public agencies share fixed and variable costs to service 4% of their respective households in the baseline agreement. The baseline 4% participation for the City of Santa Clara is 1,861 households. The City must agree to augment funding for additional households to continue to use the program at the variable cost per household, which is projected to be $62 per participant. The subject agreement provides $120,000 to be spent on HHW service in fiscal year 2018/19 to enable an additional 2,000 households to utilize the services, if needed. Amendments to the agreement will need to be processed for each of the subsequent fiscal years to augment funds beyond the baseline 4% participation.
The $2.60 per ton HHW component of the AB 939 Implementation Fee is projected to generate an estimated $432,790. The County will retain all o...
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