Action on Amendment No. 4 to the Agreement with Metropolitan Planning Group for the Performance of Code Enforcement Services
The Community Development Code Enforcement program is conducted by four personnel with three assigned to Planning Code Enforcement and a fourth assigned to Building Code Enforcement. The Planning Code Enforcement personnel are responsible for responding to complaints and engaging in proactive enforcement related to the City's Zoning Ordinance. Typical activities include enforcement of blight restrictions, the sign ordinance and permit requirements established within the Zoning Code.
In July of 2014, the City Council approved a two-year Agreement with Metropolitan Planning Group (M-Group) to provide contract Code Enforcement personnel staffing as a service to the City on a temporary basis. The initial Agreement with M-Group supported three supplemental contract Code Enforcement staff to support the City's Planning Code Enforcement program. Since 2014, the City has gradually increased funding for regular full-time Code Enforcement personnel for the Planning program from one to three positions while reducing the use of contract staffing from three to two and now currently one contract employee so that the City has maintained a minimum of three Planning Code Enforcement personnel. The contract Code Enforcement staff performs work comparable to a Code Enforcement Technician and like regular City staff is required annually to file a Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests with the California Fair Political Practices Commission. The City's Agreement with M-Group has been amended three times over the course of four years to extend the agreement and add funding as needed to continue the use of contract Code Enforcement staffing at gradually reduced levels.
The Fiscal Year 2018/19 Adopted Budget included an action to add one FTE for Planning Code Enforcement, which would allow...
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