Note and File the Parks and Recreation Facilities Condition Assessment Report (Kitchell, 2017)
The City's Parks and Recreation Department operates and maintains over 250 acres of parks, buildings, public park easements, joint use facilities with school districts, and special use facilities for the public. Many of the public parks and facilities are over 50 years old and are in various stages of deterioration which can negatively affect the public's use.
To address the issue, in September 2013, Council adopted a goal to enhance community sports and recreational assets. However, at that time, the City did not have a comprehensive or itemized understanding of the parks deficiencies/needs system wide. In April 2017, the City hired Kitchell CEM to perform a Facility Condition Assessment ("Report") which was completed over a nine month period and included the assessment of 49 park sites and 65 park buildings.
A professional team of Kitchell engineers and architects surveyed each park site and building in the City parks system to inventory and identify items in need of repair and/or replacement. (The study costs do require adhering to new building codes but do not include plans for facility expansion or modernization.) The study accomplished the following:
* The immediate and cumulative costs of repairs, and replacements of each asset, were forecast over a 20 year life-cycle.
* Determined which assets needed to be prioritized based on their condition and separated improvements into three different timeframes (years 1-5, year 6-10, and year 11-20).
* Provided updated information for each and every asset in a park or building including its location, condition, cost and repairs needed which was input into the City's Enterprise Asset Management System and Geographic Information System.
* Provided updated information for use in park fees nexus studies to calculate new housing developer impact fees, Par...
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