Approve Introduction of an Ordinance Amending Article IV ("Stadium Pilot Program") of Chapter 5.05 ("Solicitors and Peddlers") of the City Code to Make the Stadium Pilot Program Permanent
Deliver and Enhance High-Quality Efficient Services and Infrastructure
Enhance Community Engagement and Transparency
Senate Bill 946 (SB 946) became effective January 1, 2019, and prohibits California cities and counties from banning sidewalk vendors from operating on public sidewalks or other pedestrian pathways and prohibits cities from regulating sidewalk vendors unless cities establish a permitting system that is consistent with the provisions of SB 946. SB 946 also requires that any restrictions placed on sidewalk vendors be directly related to objective health, safety or welfare concerns. Local jurisdictions that wish to regulate sidewalk vending are required to first adopt a program with regulations consistent with SB 946. Soon after the effective date of this State law, the Covid-19 pandemic essentially halted such vending activity.
With the post-pandemic return of in-person events at Levi's Stadium in Fall 2021, there was a noticeable presence of unpermitted food and merchandise vendors within the immediate footprint of the stadium. The number of unpermitted food and merchandise vendors increased dramatically over 2022 within the stadium footprint on event days causing a myriad of risks to the vendors, their customers, disabled and other pedestrians, emergency responders, vehicular traffic, as well as pedi-cab traffic. Additionally, unsafe food preparation, storage and handling practices, inadequate waste disposal, use of propane tanks without security measures and hot greasy cook tops without safety clearances and devices can lead to unsafe and unsanitary conditions.
As written at the time, the City Code did not align with SB 946. Consequently, the City's ability to address these health and safe...
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