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Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 18-1014    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Consent Calendar Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 7/12/2018 In control: Council and Authorities Concurrent Meeting
On agenda: 10/9/2018 Final action: 10/9/2018
Title: Action on an Electric Vehicle Program funded through Low Carbon Fuel Standard Credits to Facilitate Electric Vehicle Adoption and Related Budget Amendment
Action on an Electric Vehicle Program funded through Low Carbon Fuel Standard Credits to Facilitate Electric Vehicle Adoption and Related Budget Amendment

In October of 2016, the City of Santa Clara, dba Silicon Valley Power (SVP) entered a voluntary California Air Resources Board (CARB) program called the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) Program. The LCFS Program was created through AB 32, California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 and Governor's Executive Order S-01-07. The LCFS Program is a key part of a comprehensive set of programs in California to cut greenhouse gas emissions and other smog-forming and toxic air pollutants by improving vehicle technology, reducing fuel consumption, and increasing transportation mobility options. The LCFS Program is designed to decrease the carbon intensity of California's transportation fuel pool and provide an increasing range of low-carbon and renewable-powered alternatives. The goal of this program is to reduce by at least 10 percent the carbon intensity of California's transportation fuels by 2020.

Through compliance with the LCFS Program, SVP receives LCFS credits. These credits are sold in an exchange and these funds are to be used to comply with Title 17 of the California Code of Regulations Section 95483(e) (1) (A-D), LCFS program proceeds may only be used in accordance with the following requirements.

Regulated Parties for Electricity
For electricity used as a transportation fuel, the party who is eligible to generate credits is determined as specified below:

For on-road transportation fuel supplied through electric vehicle (EV) charging in a single- or multi-family residence, the Electrical Distribution Utility is eligible to generate credits in its service territory. To receive such credits, the Electrical Distribution Utility SVP must:
A. Use all credit proceeds to benefit current or future EV customers;
B. Educate the public on the benefits of EV...

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