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Legislative Public Meetings

File #: 19-1499    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Consent Calendar Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 10/31/2018 In control: Council and Authorities Concurrent Meeting
On agenda: 1/29/2019 Final action: 1/29/2019
Title: Action on Agreements with Pump Repair Service Company and Shape, Inc. for Storm Pump Preventative Maintenance Inspection Services
Attachments: 1. Agreement with Pump Repair Service Company, 2. Agreement with Shape, Inc., 3. Cost Summary
Action on Agreements with Pump Repair Service Company and Shape, Inc. for Storm Pump Preventative Maintenance Inspection Services

The City of Santa Clara has twenty-two (22) storm drain pump stations, which use various pump types and controlling equipment with no central control system. The Department of Public Works is responsible for the storm pump assets and the Water and Sewer Utilities Department provides storm pump and control operations and maintenance. The storm pump stations, a critical infrastructure component, ensure proper storm run-off drainage to minimize localized flooding.

The sixty-three (63) pumps that are part of the City's storm drain infrastructure need to be inspected, maintained, and repaired to ensure that they will function properly during a storm event. The 63 pumps consist of thirty-seven (37) Flygt pumps and twenty-six (26) non-Flygt pumps. The City does not have the expertise and staffing to perform these pump maintenance functions; therefore, contractors are utilized to perform preventative maintenance services and emergency repairs.

The Department of Public Works (DPW) utilized a formal Request for Proposal (RFP) selection process to solicit proposals from contractors to provide storm pump preventative maintenance inspection services and repairs. The RFP was posted on the City's website and remained open for three weeks with proposals due on August 10, 2018. Two proposals were submitted.

The proposals were evaluated by staff and were reviewed for quality and completeness, proposer's experience, references, cost to the City, and responsiveness to the RFP. Pump Repair Service Company is the only proposer that offered to provide services to all sixty-three (63) of the City's storm pumps. Shape, Inc. proposed to provide services only to the thirty-seven (37) Flygt pumps. Shape, Inc. is the municipal Flygt manufacturer's representative in Northern California ...

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