Action on Architectural Review and a Class 1 CEQA Categorical Exemption for a 1,108 square-foot addition and interior remodel to an existing 1,560 square-foot residence resulting in five bedrooms at 3558 Mauricia Avenue.
File No.: PLN22-00663
Location: 3558 Mauricia Avenue, a 6,815 square foot lot located on the east side of Mauricia Avenue, approximately 500 feet north of Gibson Avenue; APN: 296-19-052; property is zoned Single-Family Residential (R1-6L).
Applicant: David Perng
Owner: Peng Xu
Request: Architectural Review and a Class 1 CEQA Categorical Exemption for a 1,108 square-foot addition to an existing residence resulting in 5-bedrooms one story residence with a two-car garage to remain.
Project Data
The Project Data Table is included as Attachment 2.
Points for Consideration
* The proposal involves significant demolition of exterior and interior walls to provide an expanded kitchen, family room, and two new bedrooms and bathrooms.
* The project includes a 1,108 square-foot addition resulting in five bedrooms and four bathrooms.
* A prominent front porch entry and dormer are added with the addition in the front.
* The design raises the overall height from 13 feet 6 inches to 14 feet 1 inch.
* The proposed project is in conformance with the R1-6L development standards for new construction; is consistent with the Single-Family Residential Design Guidelines; and is compatible with neighboring homes along the streetscape.
* A neighborhood notice was distributed within a 300-foot radius of the subject site for this project review.
* There are no active code enforcement cases for this property.
1) That any off-street parking area, screening strips and other facilities and improvements necessary to secure the purpose and intent of this title and the general plan of the City area a part of the proposed development, in that;
* The proposal provides the required two covered parking space...
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