Action on a Special Permit to Allow a Car Show at 958 Homestead Road
The applicant, Rick Gundo, of the American Legion Post 419, a non-profit organization, is requesting a Special Permit to allow two car shows open to the public at 958 Homestead Road. The first car show would be held on June 9, 2018, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The second car show would be held prior to June 30, 2019. Both events will be subject to the same permit conditions.
The event is planned to utilize the subject property currently developed with an office building and parking lot used by the American Legion Post 419, as well as the adjacent street public right-of-way. A Special Permit is required in order for the event on private property involving a land use not otherwise permitted by right for the subject property under the City's Zoning Code. The applicant has obtained a required encroachment permit from the Public Works Department for the closure of Washington Street between Lexington and Homestead Road.
The property is zoned Downtown Commercial (CD) which supports commercial and office use. The surrounding properties are zoned Downtown Commercial, Historical Combining Lot, Public / Quasi Public, or Single Family and are developed with a mix of commercial, institutional and residential uses. The proposed temporary use, with limited duration and operations, is not anticipated to adversely impact the surrounding land uses beyond a temporary disruption of traffic flow during the limited hours of the event. The proposed use could also increase foot traffic in nearby commercial and residential area. However, given the site context and limited time frame of the proposed use, the benefit of providing entertainment to the community outweigh the potential disadvantage, and conditions of approval help protect the surrounding community from adverse impacts.
Approval of the permit would be subject to the following cond...
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