Action on Amended and Restated Agreement with Robert E. Van Heuit for Environmental Consulting Services on the CityPlace Santa Clara Project
The CityPlace project site (currently being used as Santa Clara Golf & Tennis), is a former all-purpose landfill site. As a former landfill site, the City and the Developer have been working with local and state agencies with regulatory interests in the project site to secure the necessary approvals for the CityPlace development. One of those agencies is the County of Santa Clara Department of Environmental Health (DEH).
DEH, acting as the Solid Waste Local Enforcement Agency (LEA), required the City, as the owner of the landfill and applicant for the CityPlace development, to retain a qualified independent consultant to provide third party technical advice and assistance to the LEA for its review of the project.
On June 2, 2015, a Professional Services agreement was executed with Robert E. Van Heuit to provide the LEA with assistance in review of all landfill project documents and to coordinate with the LEA's third party geo-technical consultant. The original contract amount was $25,000. Over the past three years, several amendments to the Agreement have been executed extending the term and increasing the total contract amount. The current agreement expires as of October 31, 2018 and has a total not to exceed limit of $90,000. Approval of the recommended action would extend the term to December 31, 2019 and increase the total contract amount to $170,000.
Robert Van Heuit has provided important technical advice and services to the LEA in its review of the CityPlace project. Without this technical assistance, it would be extremely difficult for the LEA, City and Related to review and secure necessary approvals for the development.
The scope of services includes environmental review of permit applications; landfill closure plan; site development plan...
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