Americans with Disabilities Act Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan Project Update
The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 prohibits discrimination by public entities on the basis of disability. Under Title II of the ADA, the City is required to evaluate its services, policies, and practices in order to identify any barriers to access, and to make necessary modifications to eliminate such barriers. For barrier removals requiring structural changes to facilities, the City is required to develop a transition plan setting forth the necessary steps to complete the modifications.
The City originally completed a self-evaluation and transition plan in 1993 as required by ADA legislation. However, since its completion, changes have been made to ADA regulations and standards. The City has acquired and disposed of facilities, performed capital improvement projects, modified organizational structures, and may have different programs, services, and activities that are accessible to the public that differ from the original self-evaluation and transition plan. Therefore, the City initiated the preparation of a comprehensive update to the City's ADA Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan (Plan) to ensure City programs, services, activities, facilities, and public rights-of-way are accessible under the current ADA requirements.
Key Outcomes from the Plan: Key outcomes of the Plan include a summary of recommended modifications to the City's services, policies, and practices to ensure accessibility, and a summary of physical improvements recommended for the City's facilities and public rights-of-way including costs, prioritization, and a schedule for implementation.
Project Activities and Progress to Date: To prepare a draft ADA Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan (Plan), the City and its consultant, Moore Iacofano Goltsman (MIG), completed several act...
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