Action on an Agreement with Bellecci & Associates, Inc. for Design Professional Services for Creek Trail Pavement Maintenance and Rehabilitation Projects
Deliver and Enhance High Quality Efficient Services and Infrastructure
The City's creek trail network includes portions of paved trails along Guadalupe River and San Tomas Aquino Creek. These paved trails were originally constructed in phases beginning in the 2000s through 2016. In 2019, the City completed a pavement condition study for the City's creek trail network to assess the existing pavement conditions and to plan future pavement preservation and rehabilitation improvements. The study included the off-street routes adjacent to the creeks but did not cover the on-street routes since those pavement sections are maintained as part of the street system. Additionally, in 2019 the Council adopted the Bicycle Master Plan Update which included a policy to develop a trail pavement management plan and request funding through the capital improvement budget process to perform necessary pavement maintenance.
In order to prepare creek trail pavement maintenance and rehabilitation construction contracts for design and public bidding, the City needs to retain a consultant to provide engineering design services.
A formal selection process was utilized to solicit proposals from consultants to provide the necessary design professional services. In March 2023, a competitive Request for Proposals (RFP) was published on the City's e-procurement platform. The City received proposals from six firms: ActiveWayz Engineering, Inc., Bellecci & Associates, Inc., CSG Consultants, Inc., Ruggeri-Jensen-Azar, Sandis Civil Engineers Surveyors Planners, and Wilsey Ham, Inc.
A proposal review panel consisting of staff from the Design, Field Services, and Streets divisions of the Department of Public Works evaluated each proposal against the criteria set fo...
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