Action on Monthly Financial Status and Investment Reports for January 2019
In compliance with the Charter of the City of Santa Clara and the adopted Investment Policy, the following reports for January 2019 are submitted for your information. The financial review as of January 31, 2019 provides a year-to-date financial update to the City Council for the current fiscal year. Analysis of the revenues collected and all expenditures through January 31, 2019 measures the level of adherence to the established resource allocation plan and allows the City to monitor and project revenues and expenditures throughout the year.
The Adopted Budget incorporates the estimated revenues and planned expenditures for all funds. The attached Financial Status Report provides the budget to actual revenue and expenditure summaries for the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds and Enterprise Operating Funds, as well as expenditure summary for Capital Improvement Funds and Fund Reserve Balances. Any significant variances are explained in the report.
In accordance with City Council Policy 051 - Donations to the City, included in this report is a monthly activity and annual summary of donations received by department. Although the requirement of the policy is to report quarterly, in its ongoing effort to streamline reporting, the City will include this information monthly in the financial status report.
Monthly Financial Status Report (Attachment 1)
The attached report summarizes the City's financial performances as of January 31, 2019. Financial analysis for the report is provided for the General Fund, select Special Revenue Funds, Enterprise Operating Funds, and Capital Improvement Funds.
With seven months or 58% of the fiscal year complete, General Fund revenues are trending higher than budget at 64%, largely due to an increase in building permit and planning fees received from a large commercial developmen...
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