Action to Recommend that the City Council Accept the FY 2024/25 California Library Literacy Services (CLLS) Adult and Family Literacy Grant Award for the Read Santa Clara Program and Approve the Related Budget Amendment
Enhance Community Engagement and Transparency
The California State Library, California Library Literacy Services (CLLS) provides a package of annually funded grants for ongoing operations of the library's Adult and Family Literacy Services. The Santa Clara City Library Department's Read Santa Clara program qualifies for these grants.
In FY 2023-2024, Read Santa Clara received $111,012 from CLLS for Adult and Family Literacy Services. This funding allowed the Library to achieve the following outcomes:
* 3,814 hours of literacy instruction to 92 adult learners
* 52 volunteers activated to provide services to adult learners
* 78% of adult learners meeting a literacy goal they had set, including:
o 84% reading a book
o 78% sharing a book with a family member
o 55% filling out forms
o 50% learning a new technology
o 33% getting a job
For FY 2024-2025, the award has been increased by $885, for a new total of $111,897.
The total amount of $111,897 for Fiscal Year 2024/2025 includes two components: $72,068 for Adult Literacy Services and $39,829 for Family Literacy Services.
The grant funds will be used to help offset costs for part-time as-needed positions including a Family Literacy Coordinator, a Literacy Technology Assistant and instructional resources including books, workbooks and supplies for the Adult and Family Literacy Services. Literacy services will continue to be offered for adult learners and their families online and in-person. In-person literacy services will be held at the Library and at family literacy outreach events in State preschool classes, as well as four school sites: Scott Lane, Montague, Briarwood and Hughes Elementary schools....
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