Action on an Agreement with Real Environmental Products, LLC for Landfill Gas Collection System and Cover Maintenance and Repair Services
Deliver and Enhance High Quality Efficient Services and Infrastructure
The Department of Public Works (DPW) is responsible for landfill post-closure maintenance and monitoring at All Purpose Landfill, which closed in 1993. All Purpose Landfill has an extensive Landfill Gas Collection System (LGCS) designed to prevent landfill-generated methane from being released into the atmosphere. The collected landfill gas is transported to the Ameresco power plant, where it is converted to electricity and sold to Silicon Valley Power (SVP).
Due to continuous settling of the landfill that can potentially cause damage, ongoing maintenance and repairs are necessary to ensure the LGCS remains accessible, operational, and in compliance with the regulations from Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD), Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle), and Santa Clara County Department of Environmental Health regulations.
In October 2019, the municipal golf course that formerly occupied the majority of the landfill surface was closed and the irrigation was turned off. Previously, golf course maintenance staff routinely maintained cart pathways and filled low spots on the golf course to keep it playable for patrons. The amount of drainage/settlement and related LGCS repairs have substantially increased since the golf course has closed. These maintenance responsibilities have been shifted to DPW and are now performed by a contractor.
Pursuant to City Code Section 2.105.140(c), the City conducted a formal Request for Proposals (RFP) with the award recommendation based on "best value." In August 2024, the RFP for landfill gas collection system and cover maintenance and repair services was published ...
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