Action on Declaring a Vacancy on the Planning Commission due to Resignation from Commissioner Shawn Williams
On April 18, 2019 Planning Commissioner Shawn Williams submitted his resignation from the Planning Commission (Attachment 1) resulting in a vacancy on the Commission. Mr. Williams was appointed to the Planning Commission on October 18, 2018 to fill an unexpired term ending June 30, 2019.
On April 1, 2019, the City Council conducted Planning Commission interviews to fill a partial term. At that meeting, the City Council interviewed 15 applicants, and established an eligibility list with the top three applicants: Jayapriya Cheukuru; Vandana Upadhyay; and Megan Swartzwelder.
The established eligibility list is active for one year from the date it was established, April 1, 2019, and is to be used in the event a vacancy occurs. The City Council is to invite those candidates to interview and appoint from the eligibility list.
In light of the recent resignation, staff recommends the following:
* Accept resignation and declare the vacancy on the Planning Commission
* Direct Assistant City Clerk to invite Jayapriya Cheukuru, Vandana Upadhyay, and Megan Swartzwelder to interview with the City Council on May 14, 2019
* Due to the timing of the vacancy and the term ending June 30, 2019, fill the partial term ending June 30, 2019 and allow the newly appointed commissioner to serve a full term from July 1, 2019 ending June 30, 2023.
The action being considered does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15378(a) as it has no potential for resulting in either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment.
There is no additional cost to the City other than administrative staff time and expense.
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