Action on the Santa Clara Stadium Authority Financial Status Report for Quarter Ending December 31, 2020 and Related Budget Amendments
Ensure Compliance with Measure J and Manage Levi's Stadium
Enhance Community Engagement and Transparency
In Fiscal Year 2014/15 the Stadium Authority Board ("Board") requested that staff prepare quarterly Santa Clara Stadium Authority ("Stadium Authority") Financial Status Reports. These reports provide an update on the events held at Levi's Stadium, Stadium Authority finances, and the impact of Stadium Authority activity on the City of Santa Clara's ("City").
This report provides information covering the Stadium Authority's third (October 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020) quarter of the 2020/21 fiscal year.
The Adopted Stadium Authority Budget incorporates the estimated revenues and expenses for all Stadium Authority funds. The attached Financial Status Reports provide the budget to actual revenue and expense summaries for the operating, debt service, and capital funds. Analysis of the financial activity through the fiscal year measures the adherence to the budget and allows the Stadium Authority to monitor and project revenues and expenses. Any significant variances are explained in the reports.
The attached financial status reports provide information covering the Stadium Authority's third (October 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020) quarter of the 2020/21 fiscal year. The reports summarize National Football League ("NFL") and non-NFL event activity at Levi's Stadium and describes the financial impact of these events on the Stadium Authority and City since FY 2014/15.
NFL Event Revenue and Expenses
The San Francisco Forty-Niners ("49ers") played five regular season NFL game at Levi's Stadium as of December 31, 2020. The two pre-season games originally scheduled for August 21, 2020, and September 3, 2020, were cancelled by the NFL due...
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