Action on a proposed 388 square-foot attached Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) for the property located at 2327 Glendenning Avenue
File No.(s): PLN22-00166
Location: 2327 Glendenning Avenue, a 5,700 square foot lot located on the north side of Glendenning Avenue, approximately 150 feet west of Los Padres Boulevard; APN: 303-05-053; the property is zoned Single-Family Residential (R1-6L).
Applicant: Yin Su
Owner: Le An and Xiaojing Chen
Request: Architectural Review of a 388 square foot attached Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) outside of the building envelope. The proposed ADU is a studio with a bathroom, kitchen, and an exterior entrance. The existing single-family residence is 1,624 square feet with a two-car garage, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a proposed 124 square foot office addition.
Project Data
Refer to Attachment 2 for the Project Data Table.
Points for Consideration
* The project includes a 388 square foot attached Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) located outside of the building envelope to the rear of the existing single-family residence. As proposed, the ADU provides a 5' rear setback where 20' is required for the main dwelling unit. The proposed ADU maintains a side setback of 5'.
* An attached ADU does not need to meet the 20-foot rear setback of the base zoning district (R1-6L) because State law (Gov. Code, ? 65852.2) allows minimum ADU setback standards to be reduced to 4-foot in the rear yard.
* A neighborhood notice was distributed to properties within a 300-foot radius of the subject site for this project review.
* There are no active code enforcement cases for this property.
1) That any off-street parking area, screening strips and other facilitates and improvements necessary to secure the purpose and intent of this title and the general plan of the City area a part of the proposed development, in that;
* The proposal provides the required two covered parking spaces wit...
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