Action on the Single Audit Report for Fiscal Year 2017/18
The City's annual financial statement audit also includes the federally mandated "Single Audit" which is designed to meet the special reporting requirements of federal granting agencies, specifically Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Uniform Guidance 2.CFR.200 - Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (formerly OMB A-133). The standards governing Single Audit engagements require that agencies expending more than $750,000 in federal monies in a fiscal year have an independent audit not only on the fair presentation of the financial statements, but also on internal controls for compliance with the administrative requirements of federal awards. The Single Audit was performed by the City's financial statement auditor, Maze & Associates.
City staff and Maze & Associates met with the City Council Audit Committee on February 25, 2019. Present were Committee members Gillmor, Watanabe and Mahan. During the Committee meeting, Maze & Associates gave a presentation about the audit process and scope of work, as well as the auditor's opinion. Staff answered various questions with regards to the Single Audit. The Audit Committee unanimously accepted the Single Audit Report presented at the Committee meeting and recommended that the City Council note and file the reports at the March 26, 2019 Council meeting. After the Council meeting, the Single Audit Report will be published on the City's website.
Based on their audit, Maze & Associates issued an unmodified opinion with regard to the fair presentation of the financial statements and that the City is in compliance with internal control over financial reporting. However, as part of the audit, one finding was reported in the Assistance to Firefighters Grant related to inventory requirements when purchasing equipment with federal funds. The C...
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