Action on Agreements with CSG Consultants, CPM Associates, and Propcon Corp dba APC International, for Construction Management and Inspection Services for Public Works Projects
Manage Strategically Our Workforce Capacity and Resources
The Department of Public Works (DPW) provides construction management and inspection services for both capital and development projects. This effort involves a wide variety of projects such as pavement rehabilitation; traffic signal systems, signing and striping; parks; storm drain and sanitary sewer improvements; and building renovations. When numerous projects are in the construction phase concurrently, DPW does not have the necessary staffing to support all the projects so consultant resources are required.
The purpose and scope of these agreements (Attachments 1,2 and 3) is to provide on-call construction management and inspection services to supplement City staff for various Public Works projects.
Pursuant to City Code Section 2.105.330, a formal Request for Qualifications (RFQ) was conducted as the solicitation method for this procurement. The factors considered in the award were the experience of the firm, staff qualification, availability, project approach, and customer references. The RFQ was advertised in December 2021 and seven proposals were received from the following firms on December 21, 2021.
1. Bellecci & Associates, Inc.
2. CPM Associates, Inc.
3. CSG Consultants, Inc.
4. MCK Americas, Inc.
5. Propcon Corp dba APC international
6. SNG & Associates, Inc.
7. Swinerton Management & Consulting
The proposals were independently evaluated by a three-member evaluation team with representation from DPW. The proposals were evaluated against the above criteria published in the RFQ. DPW staff recommended the award of on-call agreements to the following proposer as the top three ranked firms due to their respective performance track record, quali...
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