Action on the first-time extension for a previously approved Architectural Review for a 371 Unit Multi-Family Housing Project at 2225 Calle De Luna & 2232 Calle Del Mundo (CEQA: Reuse of a Mitigated Negative Declaration)
File No. (s): PLN22-00634 (Original Approval: PLN2020-14513; Minor Amendment: PLN22-00080)
Location: 2225 Calle de Luna & 2232 Calle Del Mundo; two parcels with a total lot area of 2.024 acres, located at the southwest corner of Calle Del Luna and Calle De Mundo; APN: 097-46-020, 097-46-027; Property is zoned Transit Neighborhood (TN).
Applicant: David Moore / Greystar GP II, LLC
Owner: GS Tasman East Subsidiary, LLC
Request: First time extension for a previously approved Architectural Review for a 371-unit multi-family housing development within two 8-story buildings on two parcels (20 and 27) with a total lot area of 2.024 acres with 306 parking spaces. The project involves demolition of two existing 2-story buildings.
Project Data
The Project Data Table is included as Attachment 3.
Points for Consideration
* The Architectural Review approval for the proposal was granted at the Development Review Hearing on February 3, 2021. This included Zoning Administrator Minor Modifications to decrease the number of parking spaces from required 331 spaces to 306 proposed spaces and an increased height of 90 feet, where 85 feet is the maximum allowed.
* On May 16, 2022, a Minor Amendment to the Approved project was granted to remove of the 4.5' step-up from the ground floor as the anticipated change in the FEMA Map was still pending at the time of Building Applications.
* The proposal is to redevelop the 2.024-acre site within the Tasman East Specific Plan (TESP) and construct two eight-story 371 for rent unit housing project. The site is located within the Center District of the TESP, which envisions the parks to be signature social elements of the open space network providing flex...
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