Review of the Proposed FY 2020/21 & FY 2021/22 Biennial Capital Improvement Program Budget and FY 2020/21 Operating Budget Changes [Council Pillar: Enhance Community Engagement and Transparency]
City Charter Section 1302 Budget - Submission to City Council requires that at least thirty-five days prior to the beginning of each fiscal year, or at such prior date thereto determined by the City Council, the City Manager shall submit to the City Council the proposed budget.
On January 30 and January 31, the City Council held a Priority Setting Session, in which the following City Council Strategic Pillars were validated:
1. Promote and Enhance Economic, Housing and Transportation Development
2. Deliver and Enhance High Quality Efficient Services and Infrastructure
3. Enhance Community Sports, Recreational and Arts Assets
4. Enhance Community Engagement and Transparency
5. Ensure Compliance with Measure J and Manage Levi's Stadium
6. Manage Strategically our Workforce Capacity and Resources
7. Promote Sustainability and Environmental Protection
As part of the Council Priority Setting, the City Council also adopted FY 2020/21 Budget Principles. These Budget Principles provide a framework for budget review and development, ensuring fiscal stability by considering both the short and long-term impacts of any funding decisions. The Budget Principles can be found in the Budget and Fiscal Policies section of the Proposed Budget document.
This budget continues the biennial budget process that alternates between an operating and capital budget. This year's budget focuses on the capital infrastructure, supporting the facilities that serve our residents and community. Amendments to the FY 2020/21 Adopted Operating Budget are also included.
The annual budget serves as a financial plan and operational guide that reflects the policies, goals, and priorities of the City Council and community. The capital budget g...
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