Action on an Agreement for Design Professional Services with NV5, Inc. for Serra Tanks Rehabilitation
The City of Santa Clara Water and Sewer Utilities owns three (3) at-grade, welded steel, potable water tanks, referred to as the Serra Tanks located at 200 Lawrence Expressway, Santa Clara, California. The Serra Tanks site is a critical piece of infrastructure for the City providing backup and emergency water storage for the City's water pressure Zone 2A.
As the Serra Tanks and their associated piping do not have an active cathodic protection system, the interior condition of each tank shows signs of corrosion. The City is proposing to hire an experienced engineering consulting firm to provide engineering design services for the cleaning, re-coating, and rehabilitation of the Serra Tanks. The rehabilitation will ensure that the Serra Tanks meet current regulations and OSHA code requirements.
On May 24, 2018, the City issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) to select a qualified design consultant to prepare plans, specifications, and provide construction support and cost estimates to facilitate the rehabilitation of the Serra Tanks located at 200 Lawrence Expressway, Santa Clara, California.
Three (3) proposals were received. The proposals were reviewed and ranked by an evaluation team consisting of Water and Sewer Utilities engineering, operations, and construction staff. The proposals were evaluated based on the firm's qualifications and relevant experience, project approach, schedule, and overall quality including responsiveness and completeness of the proposal. Based on staff's evaluation of the proposals, NV5, Inc. is recommended to provide the design consulting services for the project. Approval of this Agreement will provide design professional services to develop the construction documents for the work to improve reliability of the Serra Tanks.
The action being considered...
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